AIO is this a red flag?

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He said get someone better if you can. That’s the red flag. You staying with someone undermining you is your red flag

So what makes you want to continue dating a person whose undermining, socially isolating and controlling you? F that

I legit stopped reading after “. I’m not allowed to wear tight clothing, associate with men as friends. He believes it’s utterly impossible for the opposite genders to maintain a friendship with healthy boundaries.” No you’re not over reacting, LEAVE.

Are you dating Andrew Tate?

He sounds like a prick. And he doesn’t have respect for you either. I’d dump his ass

I am sick of this sort of posts. “AIO? Is this a red flag?” and proceeds to describe the worst red flags there are.


Drop him. He’s a RUNNING red flag

All I read was the first sentence. That was all I needed to say NOR and RUN! Girl, this dude has more red flags than a Chinese embassy.

Stopped at the first line. “Not allowed” to do anything should be a dealbreaker in any healthy relationship imo. You’re an adult, not a child or a dog.

Girl?? That’s MULTIPLE red flags. There’s no need to even process if you’re OR rn, truth be told you’re not reacting enough for me 😭😭pleeease gtfo and don’t look back cause you CAN and WILL find a better man than wtf he wanna call himself. That’s wild asf

Leave. Simple as that it only gets worse.

This guys an absolute lunatic haha

I didn’t even read passed “I’m not allowed to wear”
Yes you are. You’re allowed to wear what you want, it’s your body.
He shouldn’t be telling you what you’re “allowed” to wear or do.

“All men stare at women. I’m a man, the dating market isn’t the best and if you think you can find someone better than me then…………….hello? Hello? Are you still on the line?……..hello???”

Oh and of course you are NOR in the slightest. Recommended action: Dump him.

That’s a whole Chinese parade of red flags.

Is he your boyfriend or the Taliban?

You’ll never be happy. Never.

So you’ve been dating him for awhile and he’s already controlling? That’s wild. Plus all the things he said means he’s not valuing your worth and especially your well being overall. Red flags all around. You need your freedom too.

He’s controlling and a hypocrite. Run.

Its always funny to me when women give up their rights to controlling men, expecting that he’s going to be fair and allow you to set some rules of your own. 

Babe you’ve already shown him that you’re willing to let him tell you what to wear, it’s not a stretch for him to think he can convince you he’s some “daddy” archetype.

I’m sorry but… why aren’t you RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM??? Of course it’s a red flag. At this point, it’s written on his forehead 😭

gag, dump him.

How is this even a question in your mind? This guy is a controlling loser. Get some self respect and get out.

Is this real? You can’t be that dense…

Girl stand tf up and leave. This guy is MAJOR RED FLAGS. Why do women accept this kind of behavior from men 😩

I don’t understand how you are accepting these “rules” to change your clothes style and not to have male friends? Why would you even continue with a prick who suggests that in the first instance?

Are you fucking with me? I can’t tell if this is satire or not. There’s at least 3 red flags in your first 3 sentences. Almost every other sentence contains flags and warnings as well. Being dominant doesn’t involve being disrespectful and dismissive of your feelings, unless you’ve had that conversation where you explicitly say “I get off on being disrespected and dismissed” or where he says “I get off on being disrespectful and dismissive, is that something you can handle?”

This dude is just an abusive piece of shit. There are so many other men out there who would love to treat you the way you want to be treated, you don’t have to settle for bullshit like this.

Uh. Yes.
You are “allowed” to do whatever the fuck you want to do. Don’t ever let any man tell you what you are “allowed” to do.

He seems cringe and dumb as fuck. Run

Why do people even need to be told to leave people like this he literally told you to go find someone better. Take his advice. He’s looking himself.

Gross. He’s a twit who is unveiling his real self, and it’s covered in toxic masculinity slime.

This a stage one Red Flagger right here

Are you looking for someone who supports you or someone who chains you to a wall?

You be you. You should never have to change anything about yourself to appease someone. Find someone where you have a partnership, not a power dynamic. Find yourself and the strength to never put up with this BS from anyone! Let alone a “loved” one.

NOR, I’m not sure what else he could do to show you a bigger red flag than attempting to control your behavior while excusing his own as “that’s just what guys do”. Maybe if he was wearing all red and hanging from a pole you would get the hint?

ya lost me at “I’m not allowed to”… nope. red flag. partners do not control each other. the rest just confirms it. unless you’re legit in a BDSM contract where he controls you and you like it, this is gross. he wants to control you while doing whatever he wants.

If ANYONE ever says to you, “do you think you can do better than me?”

#you absolutely can and should do better

How do you keep finding these people? Your last aio was an annulment that was 67 days ago..

You were married 67 days ago? This seems like rage bait

He wants to be called daddy. Run

Yes. You deserve something much better.

He sounds like a garbage human. He’s not into you. He’s settling. Fuck him. You deserve better.

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