AIO – My 10yo daughter gets this text from a boy in her class. She is extremely polite to everyone she meets…

By ro_2610
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NOR. Unfortunately boys seem to go down the rabbit holes earlier and earlier every year. When my daughter was 11, one of her classmates trapped her in an empty room and jacked off on her.

Definitely send copy to school. This is harassment and bullying and address it as such. They will contact the parents.

This is probably learned behavior. Normal 10 year olds don’t talk like this. I’m not sure sending it to the parents would do a thing to change the situation.

Your 10 yo should not have a phone. Mom of 4 here, and a public school teacher and I will tell you that 99% of all problems/issues/tears/drama/fights/ poor decisions made by children are down to access to phones. You would never let this person into your home but you are giving them 1000% access to your child every waking moment your child has access to a phone. They donโ€™t need it. No 10 yo needs a phone. My kids get one when they start 9th grade. And they donโ€™t need one then either if weโ€™re being serious. But then they start driving and then I want them to be able to contact me if they need help. And yes they all have friends and a totally normal social life prior to having a phone. I promise you, parent to parent, the best choice you can make for your child right now-for their safety, sanity, happiness -is to just take the phone. Just take it. Yes there are lots of kids out there without phones. No not โ€œeveryoneโ€ has one. They donโ€™t need anything thatโ€™s on that device. You will save yourself and your child a world of heartache and trouble if you just take the phone.

Honestly, Iโ€™m just glad youโ€™re taking this seriously, Mr. Dad! When I (22F) was in my senior year of hs, I had a boy sexually harassing me over messages and it started to get to a point that I was worried he was going to assault me at school. I said something to my mom (dad was living in a separate state) and she told me I was overreacting. I ended up telling one of my teachers at school, and suddenly my concerns were valid and they were handling it. Just emphasize to your daughter she can trust you and come to you no matter what. And hopefully, you and ex-wife can get that jerk of a kid set straight one way or another

If my child sent that to ANYONE, I’d want to know! You are not overreacting. Kids having phones these days is nuts! ๐Ÿ™

I’d use the school as your mediator if you can. Send it to them first. Ask them for their help. For a meeting with the parents perhaps even? And then go from there. It’s more of a neutral ground, and then you also have witnesses to things.

I can’t even comprehend a 10 yr old writing this. Crazy. When i was 10, i wouldn’t say bitch even in my thoughts

Is that Andrew Tate texting yoir daughter???

Why does a ten year old have a phone???

10 year olds talk???

Jk.. Iโ€™m CF but I STG I thought this was the phone of like a 15 year oldโ€ฆ 10 seems **extremely** young to be even THINKING anything CLOSE to resembling this conversationโ€ฆ Iโ€™m only 31 but are children actually really speaking like this now????

Why does a 10 year old have their own phone

this is why, parents, you cant let your kids go so wild on fortnite

I hope you went right to the school with that! If not, why not?!

I had a similar situation with my daughter at the same age.

We contacted the school counselor via email who then contacted the boyโ€™s parents. Apparently it was handled.
My daughterโ€™s therapist Told us that If it happens again, email the counselor and the principal (for the paper trail) and request the childโ€™s parents contact me/schedule a meeting with the parents. This is definitely learned behavior and it needs to be addressed before it escalates.

Absolutely the school. Donโ€™t go to the parents. You can follow up with the school to make sure itโ€™s handled according to their policies.

My ass would be going straight to the dad to have a conversation.

Man when I was younger if my parents caught me saying stuff like this I wouldn’t see the next morning.

I’m not saying we should beat our kids but damn some of them need a smack or 2.

I hate to remind people – TEN year olds should not have PHONES. It’s like letting your kid smoke. full stop. real ‘The Anxious Generation’. we are destroying our kids. no phones. for 10 year olds.


10??? This is absolutely not normal. I know kids can be mean but this is crazy. They learned this from somewhere.

This text couldโ€™ve come from a grown chad.. this is so utterly sad and disgusting at the same time with them being 10 YEAR OLDS. Call the school regardless and let them know that this is happening, talk to your daughter and have some conversations about how this isnโ€™t okay, how she should be treated by boys, and how this is someone you pray for ( cause if this is how he is now God knows who he grows up to be lmao ).

I would address it with the boy’s teacher and principal. They can bring it up with the parents.

The sooner he meets justice, the better for him and everyone that deals with him.

Don’t put this on a 10 year old girl. She is a young child and shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of behaviour at all.

Correct him now or he will grow into that formโ€ฆ

And this is why parents shouldn’t let kids this age have phones. Seriously.ย 

I would be talking to the school about this. That boy needs an intervention.

And why the hell does a 10 year old child have a cell phone and gives out her #? Do you check her texts and other activity? If not, you guys are part of the problem. It would only be a matter of time before she gets groomed to run off with some creep.

Oh for fuck sake wtf is a ten year old doing with a call phone. Irresponsible parenting

Disgusting & so sad! Iโ€™m sorry your daughter is ALREADY having to deal with this ๐Ÿฅบ Absolutely tell the parents, school, and anyone else that will listen.

Hi, Iโ€™m a mom to a ten year old and 13 year old.

TEN ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸปYEAR ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป OLDS ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป SHOULD ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸปNOT ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป HAVE ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป PHONES

This is exactly why. Other kids are shitty little assholes and they will expose your child to harmful, unproductive social interactions that is not healthy for your child.

My baby girl still plays with dolls. Why does yours need a phone. Let her be a kid.


You should be reporting this to the school and Iโ€™d call that boys mama as well. Youโ€™re not overrracting what the hell

tiktok is practically raising kids nowadays. like no 10 yr should be looking for a relationship. a 10 year old shouldn’t have a phone in the first place, they aint even a teenager yet.

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