AIO, my bf (25) seems insecure about me going to see a therapist

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But but but he took like four psych classes!

regardless of his intent, this is a major red flag lol

“I took like 4 psych classes in college, I can help you”

I can’t explain how much this phrase made me dislike this person, either he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about AT ALL, an actual therapist would never say they could help their gf/bf, they cannot and for good reason, a therapist isn’t a friend that gives advice, or hes scared of what the therapist will say and wants to control that

“another man” jesus christ how insecure can a person be???

he could be scared of a therapist telling you he’s part of the problem🤷‍♀️

Oh god, a partner wanting to be your psychologist are some bad warning signs. Always funny too he “took like 4 psych classes”. I took 4 years of Spanish and can’t remember how to talk a sentence in Spanish. Doesn’t mean shit unless he’s certified and that’s his job. Even if he had that it’s a major conflict of interest

This is one of the biggest red flags I’ve seen on here. NOR

He should worry. Your therapist is gonna loooove him 😂

red flag 🚩

No, NOR but there’s definitely something more going on with him. 4 psych classes mean absolutely nothing. You’re doing the right thing if you feel you need to have a therapist (I personally think everyone could use one at some point!). Don’t let this stop you, but definitely sit down and see if you can get to the root of the problem.

Your bf is a walking red flag. Who does he think he is?? Good for you for going to get help from a professional. This guy sounds ridiculous

He’s stupid and a massive red flag.

‘please don’t go to someone who will help you see i’m the problem’ is what he meant.

Good luck!

I’m not a licensed therapist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

“another guy instead of me”. This tells me all I need to know. NOR. Whether he’s trying to be controlling and is afraid the therapist will point that out or is just really insecure, I don’t know.

That’s a weird reaction. Incredibly insecure on his part but he’s young so it’s not unusual. You need to tell him it’s an outside perspective that’s needed and you aren’t only going to therapy to just talk to someone, you’re going because you need help understanding yourself and that a professional is the only way to do that.

HE should go see a therapist asap

Red flag!!

No but for real, my MIL told my partner that they shouldn’t see a therapist because “they’ll just tell you all the things I’ve done wrong”. She’s a horrible narcissist.

This has that same energy. ” don’t talk to a professional because they will tell you my behavior is sketch”.

I’m so sorry OP but I just snooped your posts…
You are 19 years old. Going to therapy is healthy. A man in his mid 20s telling his teenager girlfriend not to go to therapy is very very very unhealthy.

Please, please break up with this man. Someone who cares for you would never stop you from seeking better mental health. He is a predator.

I only need to see this post and know your ages to know he will only get more controlling with time.

Edit: you’re not overreacting. Your gut telling you something, and you need to listen to it.

🚩🚩🚩 controlling. Watch out for other manipulative behaviours, does he gaslight you? Tell you what you can or can’t do?

Ah yes well known fact that doing 4 psych classes is basically the same as being a fully licensed therapist

His last comment is exactly why you shouldn’t tell him what you’d tell a therapist. He’d absolutely store, twist and use it against you.

Great news, I think we’ve pinpointed one of your issues.

“I told you that you dont need to see a therapist”

Here let me pick up all the redflags this is guy is dropping that youre ignoring.


If he was supportive of you, he would have no problem with you seeking to improve your mental health.

Red flag a f*ckkkk! Run run run!!!!!!!! Everyone should be able to have someone to talk to who isn’t 1. A friend or 2. Related to them. You have the right to have a therapist and the right to talk to someone with an unbiased opinion on your life.

This is how my abusive ex acted, he straight up said towards the end “they’re gunna tell you to leave me” 😂🥴

The way he’s assuming the therapist is a man just shows how insecure he is. He’s afraid of being exposed as the problem lol

Well I don’t see why he can’t help with the whole 4 psych classes he took, I mean he is obviously a professional at this point….

If someone discourages you from doing something for your own wellbeing, that means they do not really care about your wellbeing. Let that sink in.

friends, family, romantic relationships -none of these should ever try to take the role of a therapist! That’s is like psychology 101! Support from people close to you and support from a professional are two completely separate things. I’m getting super concerned about how he wants you to turn to him instead. Like, this is not even about him! It’s not up to him to determine what kind of help you need. Ugh unacceptable behavior.

“I took like 4 psych classes.” I need this type of unqualified confidence when going for a job interview

The four psych classes thing made me laugh and actually didn’t know if that was meant to be a joke or not?

Dude sounds like he’s 16 not 25.

I’m wheezing – man takes 4 psych classes and thinks he’s a qualified therapist

Every single text of his is a progressively worse, massive red flag

That’s unfortunate…for him. Work on yourself, always. And what people think does not matter.

This is incredibly concerning. Just FYI.

Sounds like you’re boyfriend is trump, only he can fix it!

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