AIO: My bf left me at the airport by myself after he made us late for the flight but miraculously made it.

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Gonna need an update on this

I would’ve been LIVID

Who the heck leaves who they are flying with behind to make the flight alone?! Wtf.

You’re NOR. He basically abandoned you in Seattle and flew across the Country. This is actually insane to me.

I actually stood at the gate and would not board until my friend made it. I told them they could leave us both or wait. They waited. And it was way more than a minute.

You’re not overreacting— he should not have boarded.

NOR. Tbh I would be looking for an apartment the entire time I was waiting for that next flight. I would break up with him the second I got home.

If some guy left my daughter stranded in an airport I would be livid.

1) he’s selfish (reflect On other red flags you have ignored)

2) he doesn’t care about your safety

3) he screwed you over for only 30$

Can you come back from that? Why would you want to?

Oh hell no. He 100% should have waited.

I would be sick to my stomach if I had left ANYONE, traveling with me, stranded at the airport. The actual fucking nerve of this guy. If he can do something this major to you, there’s no telling how far he’ll push it next time. Leave him.

I’m honestly so interested in what he thinks he could possibly do to “make this up to you”. I know he’s your boyfriend and you care for him, but his actions show that he has no regard for your feelings or your safety. I would seriously consider ending this

For one I’m not boarding without my people no matter what

I would literally never speak to him again.. what a selfish person. Please know your worth.

NOR. That’s incredibly uncaring of him. I don’t blame you for questioning the relationship after this.

I couldnt contemplate doing that to my gf. Dump his ass.

Think ahead and ask yourself if you’d want the father of your children acting that way toward you/them in this situation. Leave and don’t look back. Someone will give you everything, he’s not it.

NOR If he waited there, they prob would have kept the gate open until you arrived

WHAT A SELFISH DISGUSTING ASSHAT. Block him on everything and never let him near you again.

He made you guys late and then decided that HE was going to get the best of it and you were getting screwed because he’s a dumb fuck. Holy shit, set the whole man on fire.

NOR. some men inherently oversee a lot of things that women pick up on. This is absolutely not one of them. You are not overreacting this was incredibly selfish and rude. No concerns for your safety, wellbeing or getting home.

He’s literally lying trying to be “compassionate” NO MAN that really REALLY loves u would EVER do that, ugh this shit makes me mad.

I left a man for abandoning me in my own city, let alone a man abandoning in a whole new state! Sorry, he needs to be cut off completely. Screw even having a conversation, he knows what he did, and he’s only going to try to sweeten you up. Don’t fall for it. What would you tell your sister, mother, best friend if they were faced with this situation? The right thing is usually the hard thing.

I don’t care if I don’t even like you that much, if we’re traveling together for any reason I’m waiting for you. Can’t imagine doing this to an SO.

Holy shit. What a fucking selfish asshole. I’d have broken up with him at that very moment.

This would 1000000% be the end for me. There is literally no excuse for not waiting, but especially not when HE is the reason that you didn’t make it! What the actual f*** !!!

Never board without your people. Ever.

He would never get a response from me. Ever. Sounds like he just didn’t want to be around you.

Why would you guys have even gone to 2 separate lines?

When something similar happened to me I waited right there, wouldn’t even let them scan my ticket until the other people got there.

I would literally never speak to this man again.
I’ve had a best friend for 2 years who I just took a cruise with and she left me in Key West and Atlantis for various times by myself and I am not continuing this friendship. It’s like rule number 1 not to seperate during travels. So many things could go wrong.

Why not ex-boyfriend he’s shown he doesn’t give a rat’s arse about you ..👀

oh hell no. he left you in a whole different STATE all ALONE. imo there is no amount of things you can do to make up for that. if you had a loved one who this happened to, would you want them to stay with the person who left them in an airport? especially not in their home state? how do you just leave the person you’re traveling with. i’m so sorry this happened to you. i hope thunderdome was fun otherwise 🫶🏼

He’s pretty selfish. He wanted to get on the flight even without you so he wouldn’t have to be inconvenienced or pay a fee. He got in the TSA precheck (I assume) without you, also so he could make the flight even if you couldn’t. His intention was to get on the flight with or without you. And the Uber thing is an obnoxious thing to put your girlfriend through.

I mean, you know your relationship. But these kind of people often get even more selfish down the road.

NOR. What a terrible thing to do. I would end the relationship. He has shown you who he is, a selfish jerk. Proceed accordingly.

Hell no wtf. I feel like even a shitty bf wouldn’t leave his gf. This man is EVIL leave him asap

He made the decision to Uber to a shuttle instead of Ubering straight to the airport. Then he left you at security. Then he boarded the flight without you.

He made a *series* of bad decisions all in favor of looking out for himself.

If I’m traveling with my SO, I’m not leaving her side at any point of the trip. We either both make the flight or neither of us do.

Yeah that’s crazy bro

My friend temporarily lost her purse with her passport and IDs after we already passed security, and we were about to ALL (group of 5) miss our flight helping her find it. We had 1 person stay and comfort the girl with the lost purse, 2 people asking random stores and restaurants for it, 1 person checking bathrooms and dealing with security and another checking train tickets in case we missed the flight. Thankfully we found it (someone found it somewhere and gave it to the staff at one of the restaurants) and we BARELY made the gate.

All 4 of us stayed. We aren’t leaving people behind if we are traveling together.

This is a bad travel buddy period, let alone boyfriend.

You should leave him lmao

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