AIO? My boyfriend sent me this on Valentines Day and I’m shocked

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It’s from the Daily shows Facebook page. They are satire and there were like 20 more making fun of the current administration.

“I haven’t talked to him since” why? You find this distasteful because you think he likes joking about this kind of thing or doesn’t take it seriously enough so he should be the first person you talk to about it and see where he stands. Then you decide.

I don’t support musk and that’s actually funny.

If you know that you both hate Elmo, then it’s sort of funny, even if it didn’t land.

If he’s a libertarian crypto-bro that likes him, Peter Thiel, and JP Mandel, then girl, RUN!

lol 8 year old ghost account. No comments, loads of awards, 1 post from 20 mins ago, and somehow doesn’t know anything about their own boyfriend…

It depends on your bf’s political leanings. This joke has been making the rounds of leftist accounts, so if he’s on the left, he def means it as a joke. TBH I find it mildly funny, but couldn’t think of any friend I’d feel okay sending it to. Your bf just thought you’d appreciate it.

If he’s a Musk fan and sent this, he’s got to go.

Reddit is gold

I’m pretty far left, and if my husband sent me this I’d laugh because we have had extensive conversations about this “gesture”. And I have a very dark sense of humor. But this joke is a know your audience joke and your BF missed the mark. Talk to him about it.

You’re over reacting. This is funny as hell.

We don’t have any context. Do you like Elon Musk? Do you dislike him? Are you a Republican or Democrat? Are you and your boyfriend aligned politically? If you’re not aligned then that’s probably why you’re “shook”. Seems like you should know his political views this far into the relationship.

I think it’s hilarious. I actually just forwarded this to my friend group chat. Of course we’re all rabid lefty scum and know it so there’s no question we like this guy or Nazis. Really, this would only cause a bad reaction like this if you are already feeling unsure or iffy about the person who sent it.

Tell your boyfriend thank you and that he’s hella funny

as someone who hates trump and musk, i sent a similar meme i saw to my partner just for a laugh. it’s not meant to be genuine or serious.

has your bf ever expressed any conservative or nazi beliefs? do you know his political beliefs? i feel like two years into a relationship you should know these things about your partner. if you don’t, i think that’s your actual problem here. if you do, and you know he’s not a literal nazi, then i don’t understand your reaction to the meme.

Meh not worth breaking up over but worth letting him know you think it’s not funny if that’s the case.

Yeah, you are overreacting. It’s a joke. If you don’t find it funny, that’s fine but there’s a whole spectrum of emotional response between “not funny” and outrage.

Yes you’re overreacting and so are many people in this thread 💀 it’s a lame joke/meme not nazi propaganda

Lmao this has got to be rage bait, or karma farming. Maybe both.

Yes. You are overreacting. It is obviously a joke.

Definitely over reacting

I think its a joke/meme

Honestly i think its pretty funny (i do not think hitler was funny i just like people making fun of elon so don’t attack me 👍) but obviously some people would disagree and thats fine just tell him if you dont like it

yes you are overreacting.

So ur fake offended by a joke ?? Please dump this guy .. for his sake !!!

If someone is okay enough with this to make it a funny thing, they’re not as bothered by Nazis as they should be. So many of these people in this thread are way too okay with antisemitism. Making a joke out of this is what they want, so you get more & more desensitized to this shit. If you find it funny, what’s the line for when it becomes a problem? When does being a Nazi audible dog whistle become a problem?

Y’all have known each other intimately for over a year and you don’t know how to take this? Do y’all communicate at all? Do you know anything about each other? My wife and I are both leftists and if I sent that to her she would have found it funny. This is satire created by The Daily Show and was posted along with three other similar cards, each making fun of the new administration.

This is obviously satire lmaooo
No one who actually supports musk would use a meme thats mocking him

I mean you could take this as making fun of how stupid the excuse was… or you could take this as an endorsement…

I think it would depend on the context and your bf’s political leanings.

He’s got a good sense of humour, you’re massively overreacting

Silent treatment is never ok

You’d think this was twitter by these replies.

It’s funny. Learn to laugh

lol yeah over reacting

Yeahhhh this is .. yeah . If it made you second guess things you guys are NOT on the same page .

Yes you’re overreacting imo.

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