“I will shoot” is just an unfathomable and wild thing to say to anyone, let alone your child.
3 months ago
This is so ugly. Your father is hateful. NOR!! Call the police and arrange for an officer to accompany you when you go to get your stuff. I mean, it’s in a text. He put it in writing. likely the police will want to have a little talk with him; even if they don’t, unless your father’s deranged, he will not shoot you in front of a cop. I’m very sorry that you have to go through this.
3 months ago
The fact that he threatened to shoot you is enough.
3 months ago
Omg I could never fathom doing this to my child. I really hope you have some friends or family nearby to help you. I’m sooo sorry.
3 months ago
This has really exploded. Thank you for all the comments and advice. I’m still at work. Someone has been helping me find hostels or hotel. I think I should atleast have a place for tonight . I hope
3 months ago
“I will shoot”
Yeah, he’s abusive af. There’s no justification nor excuse for this. You need to get yourself to a safe place, get on your feet, and completely cut him out of your life. If my Dad said this to me, I would never speak to him again.
3 months ago
In 10 years your dad will be complaining that you never visit
3 months ago
I’m really sorry that you’re going through this. Do you have any other family members that could temporarily house you? If not, do not be afraid to tell your manager as well. This situation could easily distract and derail your ability to work and you need every bit of support right now. I highly encourage you to talk to any decent adult in your life.
Good luck OP.
3 months ago
is he drunk?
3 months ago
Not 6 Do not go back!!
That house is unsafe and you will be better off living somewhere else. I’m really sorry, but you need to make your own way. It’s going to be hard and painful, but you can get through it! Find a friend with a couch, get a car to sleep in, find a spare room you can rent for cheap, and things will get better.
Whatever you do, do not see him or speak to him again.
3 months ago
Speaking as a mom, this just breaks my heart.
I am so sorry you are going through this.
I hope you are safe.
3 months ago
Make sure you show him this message when he’s too old to look after himself and he desperately needs someone to look after him or pay for him to go in a home.
3 months ago
Are you okay? Are there any updates? Are you in the states?
3 months ago
People are recommending the military, but you should look into Job Corps too. They offer housing while they train you. It’s a federal program so there should be one near you.
As for tonight, do you have any other family you can call? If you’re really desperate, can you ask your boss or coworkers for help? Another option is taking those text messages and talking to the police. He can’t legally throw you out without notice. You can probably get them to go with you and have them talk to him. He’ll hopefully be less likely to hurt you after that, even if he’s super pissed.
3 months ago
Do you have any other local family you can contact to stay at?
3 months ago
Call the cops! I didn’t know this when I was younger and my mom kicked me out, but legally, they need an eviction notice
3 months ago
If there is anyway that I can help let me know I will do whatever I can to use my resources to get you in a better position! I have some ideas of possible things you can look into just shoot me a message if you’re comfortable I followed you!
3 months ago
What the fuck. You are absolutely not overreacting. Your dad is insane and I’m so sorry this happened to you!
3 months ago
In five years he will be crying to anyone who will listen “I don’t know why my son won’t talk to me. I’ve always been an amazing father”
3 months ago
Depending on where you live there may be some type of temporary resources through Salvation Army or a crisis hotline. Where I live there is a crisis center for young folks that is through Salvation Army. Are you in a city or rural?
3 months ago
In most, if not all states he can’t kick you out without notice. There is an eviction process.
3 months ago
My son will always be welcome in my home and I would NEVER threaten to shoot him. This isn’t normal. Either we are missing a lot of context or your dad is dangerous and you should keep your distance.
3 months ago
NOR. I know you have conflicting feelings, but the man is threatening to shoot you, his own son, if you dare to try and come back. That is unbelievably horrible, and no man who dares to call himself a father would EVER do that.
He is disgusting and isn’t worthy of being your dad. So what if he gave you a roof? He did the bare minimum of someone who is responsible for you. You can be grateful if you want, but he only did what he was legally required to, something that’s especially true if he kicked you out right at 18 with threats of serious harm.
I do agree with others, join the army, develop yourself as a person, and never look back towards this sorry excuse of a dad. You may one day forgive, but never forget what he did.
3 months ago
Legally he has to evict you. So you could call the cops and really fuck his sleep up. Or you can just wash your hands, find a friends couch to sleep on. The best revenge is living well.
3 months ago
My heart aches for you as s mother. Your father is a selfish piece of crap. After he pulled this stunt you do not owe him anything not even gratitude. Go no contact with him. This is so messed up.
You might want to look into couch surfing where you can stay at a hostess house couch who participates in the program it’s a free service. You can also pick up more hours at your job and try to even pick up a second job. Couch surfing you may be moving around time to time. Although there is no limit time of stay you also have to keep communication between host and yourself. https://www.couchsurfing.com/
There are people looking for roommates on local classifieds, craigslist, and social media platforms market place. Also there is local people who rent out a room inside their homes cheaper than a local motel. Local hostels are good too. Mean while visit your local public housing and hud office and sign up online get on the list its income based housing sure the list is long but it beats nothing.
Do you have a car? It’s not easy but you can stay in it but lay low don’t draw attention to yourself. Walmart is a good place to park your car and sleep, truck stops but they charge for parking and rest areas but you want to be careful with that because people rob.
As for showers you may have to join a gym like ymca, or somewhere. YMCA does have a low income based program called membership for all. You have access to everything like showers and locker rooms, pool, internet, gym, weight room, couches, coffee, exc. Also look into some local park recreation centers! They have showers and locker rooms! At local truckstops showers at 12.00 you can also get a loyalty customer card where you can build points up the more you shop , fill up what not. You can build shower points for free showers. You will also are going to have to always keep change on you to wash clothing in the laundry mat or you can hand wash, hand wring drip dry. It’s not ideal but it beats nothing.
211 is a good resource that points you in directions of other programs that assist low income and homeless. Different food pantrys, soup kitchens, clothing charities, local shelters, local government programs. Exc. I am going to look at some other sources to help guide you. I will message you shortly I am so sorry you are going through this hope some of this info helps.
3 months ago
You’d have to sleep in your car tonight most likely but there are usually housing options that are by income. That relationship sounds really toxic and you could probably find a cheap place to live even if it’s not a nice place. It’s late in the year and finding something is pretty difficult so I’d say take a cheaper option so you can save money and move out when you can. Ramen might be your new favorite food for a while but there might be a church or a Samaritans place that will give out food once a month and you can try for food stamps. That really sucks, I hope it works out for you
3 months ago
OP, do you have any family, friends, or co-workers you can stay with? Do you have cash in the house the house that you need to get access to?
I’m really sorry that this is happening. I’m not sure where you are located, but you can google resources that help individuals in situations like yours. If you feel comfortable to reply you state or city, etc… that could be help myself/others give you specific details about resources.
Stay safe!
3 months ago
This is awful. Do you have an Amazon near you? It’s peak season so they might be hiring. It’s somewhat monotonous but the pay is good for no college. If you get hired on as full time blue badge you can also get paid for college eventually.
Idk if that’s very helpful, and I know you have a job, but just in case.
3 months ago
This has been the most unproductive thread I’ve seen so far, holy shit. OP, focus on the most important aspects right now. If you have friends or family, even if you aren’t close, explain the situation and show texts to show how desperate you are.
If you have a vehicle, and nobody is willing to let you stay, it can suffice for temporary housing. Use public restrooms for the time being. If you have a gym membership, you can use it for a shower.
For all the shitty military advice, literally just call or go to a recruiting office and ask them. Even still, don’t expect to be able to actually go to boot camp or whatever until weeks to months of physical exercise tests, paperwork, and doctor exams. You said you’re deaf in one year and they definitely test for hearing, and it is highly doubtful it can be waived.
For the time being, focus on temp housing, and ask for extra work at your employment, or on getting another job. As a last resort, there are homeless shelters. It’s not fun, trust me, been there/done that, but it’s better than the streets (unless you do have a car to sleep in.)
Depending on the state you live in, there might be eviction laws that prevent you from being randomly thrown out. You could Google that info, and contact 911 non-emergency number from the local PD and explain you were kicked out. If you do end up being able to live with your parent again, I would focus on saving as much as possible for your own apartment.
Be willing to put your dignity aside and tell people you know your circumstances. You’d be surprised at how generous some people can be. If someone does offer for you to stay with them, paying rent would help alleviate the burden it places on them. These are economically shitty times, and some people are willing to accept a roommate if they pay their share of rent
3 months ago
Sorry OP.. You are so young. I wish I could help. I would have taken you in. Giving you virtual tight hug..
Now.. Never look back. Work hard.. Become successful..
One day he will come begging to you. I promise.
Just stay positive. I pray that you get some help somehow. You will..
3 months ago
You’re definitely not overreacting.
Your dad sounds unhinged and his response is completely unacceptable.
This is something that can irreparably damage a relationship and he doesn’t seem to understand this.
3 months ago
Call the cops and tell them your father is threatening you with death if you don’t do something you cannot do.
3 months ago
‘I will shoot’.
You might be his son, but he’s not your father. Sorry you have to deal with this. Hope you have somewhere to go. A friend, other family. Else maybe check homeless shelters in the neighbourhood.
3 months ago
Where ever your path may lead, never forget that he did this to you and never forgive him for it.
3 months ago
Threatening to shoot is nuts.
Does anyone else think that he should have capitalized NOT and not ARE?
I feel like he emphasized the wrong word there.
3 months ago
A parent cannot just kick you out of their house. They have to follow legal eviction policies. They can give you a deadline but if you don’t leave by then, they have to file for eviction. It’s that simple. It isn’t a State by State issue.
3 months ago
He’s not allowed to do this if this is your residence. If his address is on your ID u have rights. My dad always did this shit to me I’m sorry OP. eventually I reached out to a cop friend and they let me know that we have residency rights and they’re not allowed to just kick u out no matter what age. Def tell the cops so u can have a roof over your head. I’m so sorry this is happening.
3 months ago
yo you’re dad’s a bitch made pussy ass. leave and don’t ever talk to him again.
3 months ago
Im not saying you should put a brick through his windows, but im not not saying you should put a brick through his windows
3 months ago
I think legally he has to evict you since you live there but the threat of violence could be an issue. As someone else in here suggested, maybe the military would be a blessing in disguise. Chance to have a job, housing, education and health care.
3 months ago
Any other family? Grandparents? Especially fron father’s side? They’d love to see what abhorrent jizzstain they’ve raised on this world lol.
“I will shoot” is just an unfathomable and wild thing to say to anyone, let alone your child.
This is so ugly. Your father is hateful. NOR!! Call the police and arrange for an officer to accompany you when you go to get your stuff. I mean, it’s in a text. He put it in writing. likely the police will want to have a little talk with him; even if they don’t, unless your father’s deranged, he will not shoot you in front of a cop. I’m very sorry that you have to go through this.
The fact that he threatened to shoot you is enough.
Omg I could never fathom doing this to my child. I really hope you have some friends or family nearby to help you. I’m sooo sorry.
This has really exploded. Thank you for all the comments and advice. I’m still at work. Someone has been helping me find hostels or hotel. I think I should atleast have a place for tonight . I hope
“I will shoot”
Yeah, he’s abusive af. There’s no justification nor excuse for this. You need to get yourself to a safe place, get on your feet, and completely cut him out of your life. If my Dad said this to me, I would never speak to him again.
In 10 years your dad will be complaining that you never visit
I’m really sorry that you’re going through this. Do you have any other family members that could temporarily house you? If not, do not be afraid to tell your manager as well. This situation could easily distract and derail your ability to work and you need every bit of support right now. I highly encourage you to talk to any decent adult in your life.
Good luck OP.
is he drunk?
Not 6 Do not go back!!
That house is unsafe and you will be better off living somewhere else. I’m really sorry, but you need to make your own way. It’s going to be hard and painful, but you can get through it! Find a friend with a couch, get a car to sleep in, find a spare room you can rent for cheap, and things will get better.
Whatever you do, do not see him or speak to him again.
Speaking as a mom, this just breaks my heart.
I am so sorry you are going through this.
I hope you are safe.
Make sure you show him this message when he’s too old to look after himself and he desperately needs someone to look after him or pay for him to go in a home.
Are you okay? Are there any updates? Are you in the states?
People are recommending the military, but you should look into Job Corps too. They offer housing while they train you. It’s a federal program so there should be one near you.
As for tonight, do you have any other family you can call? If you’re really desperate, can you ask your boss or coworkers for help? Another option is taking those text messages and talking to the police. He can’t legally throw you out without notice. You can probably get them to go with you and have them talk to him. He’ll hopefully be less likely to hurt you after that, even if he’s super pissed.
Do you have any other local family you can contact to stay at?
Call the cops! I didn’t know this when I was younger and my mom kicked me out, but legally, they need an eviction notice
If there is anyway that I can help let me know I will do whatever I can to use my resources to get you in a better position! I have some ideas of possible things you can look into just shoot me a message if you’re comfortable I followed you!
What the fuck. You are absolutely not overreacting. Your dad is insane and I’m so sorry this happened to you!
In five years he will be crying to anyone who will listen “I don’t know why my son won’t talk to me. I’ve always been an amazing father”
Depending on where you live there may be some type of temporary resources through Salvation Army or a crisis hotline. Where I live there is a crisis center for young folks that is through Salvation Army. Are you in a city or rural?
In most, if not all states he can’t kick you out without notice. There is an eviction process.
My son will always be welcome in my home and I would NEVER threaten to shoot him. This isn’t normal. Either we are missing a lot of context or your dad is dangerous and you should keep your distance.
NOR. I know you have conflicting feelings, but the man is threatening to shoot you, his own son, if you dare to try and come back. That is unbelievably horrible, and no man who dares to call himself a father would EVER do that.
He is disgusting and isn’t worthy of being your dad. So what if he gave you a roof? He did the bare minimum of someone who is responsible for you. You can be grateful if you want, but he only did what he was legally required to, something that’s especially true if he kicked you out right at 18 with threats of serious harm.
I do agree with others, join the army, develop yourself as a person, and never look back towards this sorry excuse of a dad. You may one day forgive, but never forget what he did.
Legally he has to evict you. So you could call the cops and really fuck his sleep up. Or you can just wash your hands, find a friends couch to sleep on. The best revenge is living well.
My heart aches for you as s mother. Your father is a selfish piece of crap. After he pulled this stunt you do not owe him anything not even gratitude. Go no contact with him. This is so messed up.
You might want to look into couch surfing where you can stay at a hostess house couch who participates in the program it’s a free service. You can also pick up more hours at your job and try to even pick up a second job. Couch surfing you may be moving around time to time. Although there is no limit time of stay you also have to keep communication between host and yourself.
There are people looking for roommates on local classifieds, craigslist, and social media platforms market place. Also there is local people who rent out a room inside their homes cheaper than a local motel. Local hostels are good too. Mean while visit your local public housing and hud office and sign up online get on the list its income based housing sure the list is long but it beats nothing.
Do you have a car? It’s not easy but you can stay in it but lay low don’t draw attention to yourself. Walmart is a good place to park your car and sleep, truck stops but they charge for parking and rest areas but you want to be careful with that because people rob.
As for showers you may have to join a gym like ymca, or somewhere. YMCA does have a low income based program called membership for all. You have access to everything like showers and locker rooms, pool, internet, gym, weight room, couches, coffee, exc. Also look into some local park recreation centers! They have showers and locker rooms! At local truckstops showers at 12.00 you can also get a loyalty customer card where you can build points up the more you shop , fill up what not. You can build shower points for free showers. You will also are going to have to always keep change on you to wash clothing in the laundry mat or you can hand wash, hand wring drip dry. It’s not ideal but it beats nothing.
211 is a good resource that points you in directions of other programs that assist low income and homeless. Different food pantrys, soup kitchens, clothing charities, local shelters, local government programs. Exc. I am going to look at some other sources to help guide you. I will message you shortly I am so sorry you are going through this hope some of this info helps.
You’d have to sleep in your car tonight most likely but there are usually housing options that are by income. That relationship sounds really toxic and you could probably find a cheap place to live even if it’s not a nice place. It’s late in the year and finding something is pretty difficult so I’d say take a cheaper option so you can save money and move out when you can. Ramen might be your new favorite food for a while but there might be a church or a Samaritans place that will give out food once a month and you can try for food stamps. That really sucks, I hope it works out for you
OP, do you have any family, friends, or co-workers you can stay with? Do you have cash in the house the house that you need to get access to?
I’m really sorry that this is happening. I’m not sure where you are located, but you can google resources that help individuals in situations like yours. If you feel comfortable to reply you state or city, etc… that could be help myself/others give you specific details about resources.
Stay safe!
This is awful. Do you have an Amazon near you? It’s peak season so they might be hiring. It’s somewhat monotonous but the pay is good for no college. If you get hired on as full time blue badge you can also get paid for college eventually.
Idk if that’s very helpful, and I know you have a job, but just in case.
This has been the most unproductive thread I’ve seen so far, holy shit. OP, focus on the most important aspects right now. If you have friends or family, even if you aren’t close, explain the situation and show texts to show how desperate you are.
If you have a vehicle, and nobody is willing to let you stay, it can suffice for temporary housing. Use public restrooms for the time being. If you have a gym membership, you can use it for a shower.
For all the shitty military advice, literally just call or go to a recruiting office and ask them. Even still, don’t expect to be able to actually go to boot camp or whatever until weeks to months of physical exercise tests, paperwork, and doctor exams. You said you’re deaf in one year and they definitely test for hearing, and it is highly doubtful it can be waived.
For the time being, focus on temp housing, and ask for extra work at your employment, or on getting another job. As a last resort, there are homeless shelters. It’s not fun, trust me, been there/done that, but it’s better than the streets (unless you do have a car to sleep in.)
Depending on the state you live in, there might be eviction laws that prevent you from being randomly thrown out. You could Google that info, and contact 911 non-emergency number from the local PD and explain you were kicked out. If you do end up being able to live with your parent again, I would focus on saving as much as possible for your own apartment.
Be willing to put your dignity aside and tell people you know your circumstances. You’d be surprised at how generous some people can be. If someone does offer for you to stay with them, paying rent would help alleviate the burden it places on them. These are economically shitty times, and some people are willing to accept a roommate if they pay their share of rent
Sorry OP.. You are so young. I wish I could help. I would have taken you in. Giving you virtual tight hug..
Now.. Never look back. Work hard.. Become successful..
One day he will come begging to you. I promise.
Just stay positive. I pray that you get some help somehow. You will..
You’re definitely not overreacting.
Your dad sounds unhinged and his response is completely unacceptable.
This is something that can irreparably damage a relationship and he doesn’t seem to understand this.
Call the cops and tell them your father is threatening you with death if you don’t do something you cannot do.
‘I will shoot’.
You might be his son, but he’s not your father. Sorry you have to deal with this. Hope you have somewhere to go. A friend, other family. Else maybe check homeless shelters in the neighbourhood.
Where ever your path may lead, never forget that he did this to you and never forgive him for it.
Threatening to shoot is nuts.
Does anyone else think that he should have capitalized NOT and not ARE?
I feel like he emphasized the wrong word there.
A parent cannot just kick you out of their house. They have to follow legal eviction policies. They can give you a deadline but if you don’t leave by then, they have to file for eviction. It’s that simple. It isn’t a State by State issue.
He’s not allowed to do this if this is your residence. If his address is on your ID u have rights. My dad always did this shit to me I’m sorry OP. eventually I reached out to a cop friend and they let me know that we have residency rights and they’re not allowed to just kick u out no matter what age. Def tell the cops so u can have a roof over your head. I’m so sorry this is happening.
yo you’re dad’s a bitch made pussy ass. leave and don’t ever talk to him again.
Im not saying you should put a brick through his windows, but im not not saying you should put a brick through his windows
I think legally he has to evict you since you live there but the threat of violence could be an issue. As someone else in here suggested, maybe the military would be a blessing in disguise. Chance to have a job, housing, education and health care.
Any other family? Grandparents? Especially fron father’s side? They’d love to see what abhorrent jizzstain they’ve raised on this world lol.