AIO or is this a total breech of privacy?

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“I promise I don’t do this often” means he does this often.

I would report him for reaching out personally that’s creepy af. Stay safe out there

Uhhh. That’s a huge violation. You need to file a complaint.

That is just ungodly creepy. If he ran your plate, he has your address btw.

If he’s this creepy and willing to break every rule to contact you, I say he’s dangerous. He has your address as well. Don’t mean to scare you

Former cop here – What that officer is doing is 100% illegal, unethical, and almost definitely against department policy! Notify the department and have him fired IMMEDIATELY! He absolutely should not be allowed access to people’s personal information. This is the type of guy that uses LE databases to stalk his Ex’s, does criminal history checks on potential dates, doxxes people he doesn’t like.

What the hell? Yes, it’s a breach of privacy. And gross.

Thats like, super illegal and vry disturbing. He had no right to look up ur info just bec he saw u. Using police databases for personal reasons is a serious offense. Pls report him.

You seem like you’re being polite out of intimidation, which is completely understandable. He’s definitely abusing his power

I know someone who was fired for doing this to women at an airport. This is insanely creepy and disgusting behavior, but I don’t know how comfortable I’d feel reporting it just because of his position. First I think you should change your number, then report it.

Report him, that’s abuse of power and a breech of privacy

Using a phone number obtained via license plate scan for personal reasons is an ethical breach and, in some states, is illegal. In the text, they also seem to indicate that they have done this before.

Please contact Internal Affairs or a local attorney. This isn’t a cop you want on the streets.

Ummmm……..going by your post and replies you’ve made, you’re under-reacting. If you are in the US, what he has done is both a violation of department rules _**and**_ a crime. I would start with contacting a lawyer to go after him for abuse of authority and have the lawyer contact the correct agencies to report him.

this is an NCIC violation and is illegal please report him! he can’t run you for the sole purpose of finding your information for personal reasons

Which means he also knows where you live and that’s extra creepy. You have a duty to report him ma’am. It’s probably not the first time he’s done it. It’s just the first time he’s done it to you. Please report this Scumbag.

Total breech of privacy… creeepy. Don’t date a cop lol

NOR, this is a total breech of privacy. I would feel violated actually, and would report this.

That’s actually illegal I thought.

Screenshot everything and file a report, have a backups for social media just in case it goes nowhere or if they try to confiscate your phone as “evidence”. Send it to a friend or a family member. Just in case they try to get rid of the evidence.

I feel like this is the beginning of a documentary on serial killers/rapists.

Not overreacting. *BREACH

this is creepy af, ngl. also, besides the obvious “stalking factor” of this, as a former LEO myself, i will tell you this is what’s called “Misuse of resources”. it’s a fireable offense in every agency i’ve been with, and im sure its the same for most if not all agencies nationwide. report the creep.

My brain is demanding this not be real. I just can’t fathom someone being that idiotic and creepy.

Total abuse of power and this has to be a work violation for him. I want to say report it, but the fact he’s abusing his position like this makes me feel he’d retaliate.

I don’t think this is the first time he’s done this. It’s probably one of his pick up techniques.

Nor. This is why people have a hard time trusting cops.

It’s definitely a violation. What he should have done is look up your address, learn your routine, and coincidentally bump into you again at a coffee shop. /s everyone, sarcasm!

He is completely out of line and knows he could get in trouble if you reported him. If he keeps messaging you, I would

Not only is this out of line, it’s illegal for him to use this information in this way. Most definitely against policies of his department/force. It also is huge red flag on his part, almost predatory.

That’s super creepy. I would report him.

Tell him you’re flattered but you’re not available. Thanks again. And done.

Cops can have ego issues and this one is already breaking the law. This way you turn him down cut and dry without being offensive. It’s a whole culture if he’s “one of those”. Remember, he also has your address now.

Was he city, county or state? If so, there’s diff places to report it.

Don’t date a cop. Whatever your situation is, lie and say you are in a relationship.

And yes, this is an incredible violation of your privacy but sadly he could make your life miserable.

Oh hey, a cop abusing their powers because they think the rules don’t apply to them. SHOCKED!

Definitely predatory behavior

Yeah, that’s the kind of fucked up stuff that some cops think they have a right to do.

Not over reacting, likely under reacting

First, you should have absolutely nothing to do with this person. Someone who does this isn’t someone you want to be involved with. And hopefully he just lets you go your own way now. Any further involvement with him, either more texting, a date or hooking up could all lead to him having a much stronger emotional reaction to you breaking things off. So you should do it right away as gently as possible.

Second, if you feel safe to do so, this creep needs to be reported. As others have stated, report to internal affairs not to the department in general. Be prepared to change numbers, move and/or change cars. This person has your information and may retaliate if you report.

This type of law enforcement officer is the type that gives all of them a bad name. Unfortunately they’re far too prevalent within the community and the default position seems to be to protect the officer no matter what, even if they are wrong AF.

Good luck and stay safe.

This is a cop? That’s fucking terrifying. Report him, and carry a camera with you fucking everywhere.

Start documenting. I know someone who had the same thing happen, and she’s getting stalked now. She had to get an EPO too.

Remember cops are people who made Cs in high school. 😂

That’s definitely a breach of privacy. Just because he’s an officer doesn’t give him the right to dig into your personal info and send you a message like that. I’d be annoyed too! He could’ve just let you know about the tire without going that far.

You’re underreacting, why are you thanking him for the compliment that’ll just encourage him

That’s unethical and stalker-ish, you need to contact Internal Affairs immediately. Also, never date a cop.

These are the cops that do domestic violence. Never date a cop

Cops are so fucked, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was retaliation for reporting him.

This happened to me once too. He even sent me pics of my gated driveway. I should have reported him and you should too. No telling what else the weirdos would do.

all cops are bastards and especially this one.

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