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Youโ€™re underreacting. This man sounds like a horrible person and you should leave him forever

you mean your ex boyfriend?

Hey, so, he hates you!

Girl break up with him. Where does everyone on this sub find their trashy men.

i hope that you two call it quits. This is the man you want to spend your life with?

There no way he actually said that to youโ€ฆ.. I am sorry but your boyfriend is actually a piece of shit. You should NOT tolerate hateful language especially after something as traumatic as that.

It doesn’t really seem like you are both on the same page.

You cannot force someone to care for you. You shouldn’t have to spell it out for him to care about your feelings… By his response that would be enough for me to call it quits… Super insensitive

Man, fu** this dude. He obviously doesnโ€™t want anything long term it seems like. Cut your loses now. Why settle for imitation crab meat when you could have the real thing?

heโ€™s an asshole, try to find a support group to help you deal with your pain. an abortion is a pretty traumatic thing, if he cared at all he would be loving you through it not dismissing your feelings

You wanna deal with this for the rest of your life? Someone who loves you would never speak to you like that. Reevaluate as you only have one life to live. Not worth it to spend with some loser who disrespects you after an extremely traumatic experience. You are basically begging for his support. Someone who loves you would never ever make you beg. Goodluck girl you can do it

Wow, I was a lost puppy when me and my ex partner went through something like this, I took a week off work to just be there for her and basically do anything to help ease her pain etc. know your worth girl.

As a man, all i can say is jezus christ..

you a fool if you donโ€™t break up with him girl.

Itโ€™s not normal when my gf was going thru her miscarriage we were both feeling it and both were depressed ofc she was way more depressed bc it was her body I was still right there with her, he definitely does not want that and I would evaluate your relationship with him and have a serious conversation and if you donโ€™t see eye to eye abt it I would move on, itโ€™s not fair for you to go thru something of that level and not have your partners support. Iโ€™m really sorry you are going thru this, the light will always shine brighter. You got this!

NOR. holy fuck, THANK GOD, you didn’t breed with this absolute fucknut of a loser. you are wasting your time with him. if you have any self respect you’ll ditch him immediately.

Not normal. You need to break up. Heโ€™s not only being inconsiderate of your feelings, but heโ€™s struggling with his own and pretending youโ€™re just โ€œdragging shit onโ€โ€ฆ Iโ€™m so sorry youโ€™re going through this. Seek support from others.

Please tell me that’s a typo and you mean ex. This person clearly doesnt care about you and you avoided 18 years of having to deal with him.

I do suggest reaching out to a therapist or a group. You dont deserve to go through your feelings alone, they are valid.

Girl, STAND UP. Find someone who cares about you, because this *boy doesnโ€™t. You deserve love and support, not to be berated for having feelings.

Edit: since youโ€™re wanting a manโ€™s opinion, my husband said, โ€˜what a piece of shit. It sounds like he hates her.โ€™

Redditors get shit for always jumping to โ€œjust dump himโ€ but *these are the posts weโ€™re responding to* ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Girl, just fucking dump him.

Yeah so, this person doesn’t like you. At all. Or care about you. AT ALL.

In all seriousness, I wouldn’t talk to people I **hate** this way. Get yo shit and get outta this relationship ASAP.

Speaking as a man, cut this boy the hell out of your life and never look back.

NOR. Are you sure this is your boyfriend and not someone who just genuinely dislikes you? Because based on this brief exchange, he doesn’t seem to care much about you or the abortion you went through.

It also sounds like you need to address the emotional distress the abortion has caused you. Therapy may not be a bad idea to help you cope with the abortion (and shitty boyfriend). I’m sorry you’re going through this, and I hope you find the support you deserve.

Are you guys in high school? Because his response is giving 16 year old boy.
Leave now before it gets worse or you get pregnant again

Sweetheart, I am a stranger.

I donโ€™t know you. But if I met a stranger who had an abortion and would ask me for support, I would support that person.

So if I, a stranger, am willing to support another stranger, why isnโ€™t your bf of a year willing to support you?

this guy does not like you I’m sorry. what a cruel way to respond to a loss. please think about how he’s going to respond to any kind of stressful or traumatizing situation like this in the that someone you want your children to look up to as a father? is that someone you want to rely on at your most vulnerable?

Ong if you donโ€™t leave this โ€œmanโ€

Male here, drop this cold hearted, self centered, no good pieces of shit like a ton of bricks. Youre a human being with feelings an emotions, not just his walking cock warmer. The fact he is acting like this in response to your being upset over having an abortion for him… what a piece of shit.. i legitimately wish the worst for him. Its a damn shame his mother didnt just swallow or abort him.

Find a man that loves you and wants to start a family with you. Not some boy lookin to bust a nut.

To be blunt, he doesnโ€™t give a single fuck about you or your feelings or your wellbeing. He is incredibly selfish and disgusting and I urge you to leave this relationship. Iโ€™m so sorry for your loss and for how heโ€™s treating you ๐Ÿค

Heโ€™s just a terrible piece of shit. wtf. Canโ€™t take responsibilities as a man should but willing to poke around with females and expect no possible outcome? Thats a mental burden on you. And he should understand regardless.

He should not be your boyfriendโ€ฆor really anyoneโ€™s boyfriend.

Two things:

1. Heโ€™s a lame piece of shit with all the emotional depth of a rotten durian. Dump him.

2. Please stop having unprotected sex with guys you arenโ€™t 10000% sure you can trust. I donโ€™t care how much they beg you.

um wtf is this for real? what would you say to a friend that showed you this interaction? Girl RUN AWAY

heโ€™s a piece of shit. you deserve comfort and love as what youโ€™re going through is super tough

Girl. NO. ew. RUN!

You need a supportive partner, even if you don’t see eye to eye. I am sorry he is making you feel alone.

My husband would kill himself before he ever said anything like this to me. Jesus Christ. This guy has no empathy or respect for you. Iโ€™m so sorry youโ€™re going through this

Where do you guys find these people?!?!

Man here. Please break up with him today.

That’s probably the most heartless response I could think of for this, I’m so sorry you don’t need that.

This dude already had his own empathy aborted so heโ€™s incapable of caring. Dump him and move on

Guy here, that isn’t normal. Hell, if I talked like that to a girlfriend ever my grandpa would prolly drag my ass. & I’d deserve it.

OP, you are in a very vulnerable spot emotionally. You made a hard decision, but ultimately it was the correct one. A good man would support you, be a shoulder to cry on, eat some ice cream with you while binging whatever show you want. Fuck this guy. He’s a goddamn coward & you deserve better.

Get some hot cocoa, your favorite ice cream, watch a silly movie or something. I’m wishing you the best.

Wish i could abort this man for you

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