AJ Brown visits Andre Howard in hospital, 10 year old boy who was in a coma after shielding his sister at the plane crash in NE and asked if he missed the Superbowl when he woke, keeping his promise and letting Andre hold the Lombardi Trophy

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Iโ€™m so glad AJ Brown plays for the Eagles.

AJ has been a real inspiration.

I read inner excellence because of him, and that book actually really helped me out with stuff. I just read about anxiety issues he’s been working through.

Best WR in franchise history but also just a really good dude.

According to the mom’s Facebook post, AJ also called Saquon Barkley so Andre could talk to him on the phone.

It’s so easy to root for this Eagles team. These guys are the best.

โ€œWE LOVE YOU AJ BROWNโ€ the entire city echos in unison

iโ€™m not crying youโ€™re crying

Both of these gentlemen are class acts.

I remember AJ’s tweet saying he would meet up with the little dude. I didn’t doubt he’d follow through, but man, Brown is a class act. This shit got me tearing up.

This made one shitty day better. He looks great. And so happy

This Eagles organization just seems to be top to bottom good people. Class of the NFL and all of professional sports really.

I freaking love this team. Not just for their talent but for the quality people that are.

He gets a lot of uneducated criticism from the national media. Him and Smith are both top notch class acts.

Iโ€™m crying in the club rn

This is Philly, y’all. Good job with the “no one likes us, we don’t care” propaganda though; gotta keep those New Yorkers from figuring out that we are actually lovely people with wholesome role models.

AJ Brown continues to show that heโ€™s not just a great player but an even better person. Moments like this remind us why we love the game and the community it fosters. Truly inspiring.


This is the content Iโ€™m here for.

I was so hoping they would remember this little boy after their win. Love to see it.

I wish I could hug both of them. Thank you AJ Brown for all that you do.

Little boy took hot metal shrapnel to his head to potentially save his baby sister. I would be honored to share the room with him.

Best thing I read all damn day. The Eagles is a team full of class acts.

What a great dude

Awwww. So wholesome!!

I love AJ Brown so much. That kid is a hero!!

AJ rules

Iโ€™m traveling in Australia so I hadnโ€™t heard this story about the kid shielding his parents.

Kid is a hero and AJ is a total class act by keeping his word on letting him hold the trophy.

Both are legends.

So Iโ€™m from and live in Seattle. Iโ€™ve never really given a damn about football but naturally tune into the Super Bowl like the rest of the world every year.

Iโ€™ve visited your fine city once for a quick work trip but fell in love with the vibes and people i interacted with, I was rooting for the Eagles already because fuck KC, but the more I see about the teams involvement with the community and individuals on the team the more I think to myself: โ€œam Iโ€ฆ an eagles fan?โ€

The man is excellence. Inner and outer.

This is so cool. Really glad AJ is an Eagle.

Pats fan here!

We all have a ton of respect for the Birds ๐Ÿฆ… and have been cheering for Hurts Barkley and Brown this entire season.

Thereโ€™s no team like our team ๐Ÿ’š

Awe this is the sweetest. Continue to heal, kiddo!

What wonderful men these players are!

What class acts men to look up too

A man of his word. Props to you AJ. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Genuinely good man. Iโ€™m proud heโ€™s ours

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