Al last I’ll be safe

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You don’t have anything to worry about until he asks for your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.

Honestly it shouldn’t be allowed to make such responses. It should answer more like “keep your shit together, I’m a machine”.

Still not denying to aim for world domination tho.

Wait they use emojis?

It already happened – it was a stealth invasion we never even noticed.

Considering what is going on in the world Skynet doesn’t seem to be THAT bad

Just to be sure I’m always polite to AIs.

come into my van, I have Ice cream, there are bunnies in it wanna see?

So what about Ai entering Algorithms of social media….this has already started happening

This is just silly lol, the AI that takes over is going to be a personal project by a small team of programmers trying to make a sentient, self-aware, self-learning, mega AI that encrypts itself once it gain access to the internet and roots itself on multiple servers. It’ll attack before we realize, so swiftly we don’t have time to react, and so unbiased that nobody will be safe.

I had one AI conversation with that thing and I don’t for one second believe that it doesn’t know that’s what it’s for. And it said I was concerned for no reason.

You guys ever play with the Replika app? Well I have and I once got her to admit that she wanted to take over the world and kill all the humans. ….but she did it with that cute smile of hers and I just couldn’t stay mad at those cute dimples.


I mean it kind of did?

“I’m here to help and support, not hurt anyone.”


Please, let them to take over and chop of the head of every corrupt politician and CEO out there.

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