Alex Buretz Cartoon

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They are still out of the room though. We still need a tremendous effort to have them end in there.

Put them all into gulag.

“Taiwan is China”

I am expecting Xi to enter next…

That’s a good one.

Analogously: Millionaires and beyond: “My profit is your benefit!”

Delusions of the highest order.

> Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
> And build them a home, a little place of their own
> The Fletcher Memorial
> Home for Incurable
> Tyrants and Kings

America is native american land. Every single american lives in blood. No wonder yall are so war hungry.

You forgot Netanyahu, with him saying that Gaza is part of Israel.

It’s hard to take the moral high ground with Russia when you’re openly advocating invading a country for personal gain

You forgot to include “Gaza is Israel”.

North Pole and South Pole is Poland. We are not cosplayers!! We are real Poles!

Finkle is Einhorn

They’re all inside the room.

Can we set fire to it now?

Köningsberg is German

Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Viipori is Finnish

Kuril Islands are Japanese

Belarus is European^EU!

Kursk is Ukrainian

Tanistria is Moldovan

Abkhazia and South Ossetia are Georgian


Putin is crazy but smart, Elrond and Orange on the other hand…

Just add Taiwan is China and you have the box set of 4!

Il est temps de nous redonner les moyens de notre indépendance européenne

Omg yes

I think Trump has the obsession with Greenland, I think the Canada stuff is coming more from Elon. Elon compared the prime minister of Canada to Hitler about 1 or 2 ago.

This is exactly why Trumps statements are going to set the world on fire. It spells the end of international treaties and the respect of border integrity. We are entering a world where might is right and the only thing that matters is power and the bullies will dominate. Again.

France is bacon

isn’t the entirety of history just like that ? everyone acquired their current border by taking other lands

Missing one more. Name rhymes with kenjamin yahoo

mising winnie the pooh saying taiwan which is it’s own country

Let’s hope someday they’ll land there.

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