All it takes is one and he’s innocent

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Iā€™ve sat on juryā€™s. Itā€™s astounding how most go along with a guilty verdict because they feel pressured to. It took me 2 days to convince a jury the person was innocent. The majority of the jury said the state wouldnā€™t charge a person if they werenā€™t guilty. Fuckin crazy.

They have to be unanimous in their decision either way.

12 angry men time?

Jury nullification!

The trial will begin not earlier than in a year and by then most people wonā€™t give a shit anymore

Huh, why is Luigi’s mansion getting arrested

We don’t want to change your mind.

He needs to have a gofund me for legal expenses.
His legal team needs to lay down some kind of BS self-defense line. Something like UHC causing him pain and distress.
The jury needs to find him not guilty.

The US will then have a VERY interesting legal precedent… happy hunting.

He will get life or death

pretty sure that they are gonne screen for people that have a bias for the gentelmen

Hung jury. I will put $$ on it

Sure would be a shame if cgp grey’s video about jury nullification started making rounds again

If one juror holds out, you get a hung jury and the prosecution can retry the case with another jury. You could get the same outcome (hung jury), at which point the prosecution could drop the case or try again for a third time. Usually, though, it becomes clear after the third trial that they cannot get a conviction.

good plan.

except A the jury is going to be selected from people not prevy to the case and thus will be unbiased presented with facts.

and B murder is illegal…

I hope he gets convicted with murder.
He killed someone without a reason.


And that juror will forever be known as a proponent for murder. Nice job, Reddit.

If I was an evil billionaire, I’d use my money and influence to rig a jury that’ll convict the guy for sure. Then disappear him when the media has fallen silent. Anything is possible with the power they wield.

It is astounding how many people think that these parasites function on the same plane of existence and lawfulness as us. They might as well be fuckin Aliens.


12 angry men

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