All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk

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Yeah, the whole “I made it, so it should be harder for everyone else, otherwise I don’t feel special” thing is getting old.

The daughter of immigrant parents from Nigeria is against immigration? The irony.

Climb the ladder, kick it over

> Under my *leadership*, the Conservatives will be taking a new approach

Yikes… who wants to tell her?

I had a conversation with a friend of a friend who said birthright citizenship shouldn’t be a thing. Now mind you they are a child of an illegal immigrant who became a citizen and a person who came over due to marriage scam. And I’m thinking to myself you would not have the opportunity and privilege you have today if birthright citizenship wasn’t a thing.

Her name Nigerian for Candace Owens…👀

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British-American here. There’s a lot of cultural context you guys are missing here. When the likes of Kemi, Rishi, and Suella talk about immigrants; they don’t mean people like their parents or grandparents – financially well off professionals like doctors and professors – they’re talking about the poor souls who are looking to escape to a hopefully better life or those coming from countries in Europe looking for better paying jobs. One group of immigrants is highly desirable and sought after; you just have to look at the amount of visas the UK government dishes out annually. The other group; well… yeah…

I’m so tired of some niggas.

People joking about moving after the election don’t realize these fucks are everywhere already.


She honestly thinks she’s a part of the team. Those republican freaks she’s cozying up with are gonna show her their fangs real fucking soon.

She literally wants to be the gate keeper



sis – you know you’re going back right?

Yah not all black people are in it for us. Always check their character.

Not even a little bit shocking

Fun fact, she’s an anchor baby. Kemi’s mother moved to the UK to give birth to her and then went back to Nigeria afterwards to take advantage of the soon to be revoked birthright citizenship law.

Black community way more split on this than you think. You think the average black person in the inner city wants more immigrants? Out of touch.

Some niggas just break that ladder

“Not me tho”

No one hates immigrants more than immigrants who got there earlier.

how are people failing to distinguish between mass migration and regular migration

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You can’t make this shit up. She didn’t have to prove herself worthy of British Citizenship and now she wants to be in charge of who gets in.

I try not to wish ill on people because I don’t think it’s good for my soul but shit like this…

I worked with this Mexican man when I was in Arizona. He partially was undocumented but did apply for and receive citizenship. He even owned a couple businesses. But he voted for Trump in 2016. And he wanted them to build the wall. He wanted undocumented residents deported and a huge cap on immigration.

He said what he did was wrong and this country will only get worse if more and more people kept doing it.

I swear some people are just lost

UK has a strange record of having the most heartless women be prime minister and now we have Kemi yapping about “wokism” and maternity pay should be removed because its “lazy”.

Our own British auntie ruckas 🤦‍♂️

They have to get a person of color to do the dirty work. So as to hide the fact that the policies will disproportionately affect immigrants of color. Can’t you see it’s not racist…because the person dishing it out is black. That’s all they need from her. She is getting paid well for the role I am sure.

oh fuckkkkk not a nigerian… parents are nigerian i was born in south central los angeles. Nobody knows im nigerian unless i explicity tell them and when i do its always a joke about how i must scam or have tons of money or have a wild wedding

this is a new low of branding that is gonna drive me crazy….i hope she has a miserable existence

EDIT: oh….this is in fuckin london ….im not even gonna cap i have my thoughts about europe immigration
i know im gonna catch shit for this but they are on the frontlines of climate migration from syria

like…..the frontlines!

their country is smaller and so are the communities the situation is more dire because of the religious background of the immigrants

imagine if illegal immigration in america came with MORE conservatism… we already have enough as is

“We’re not oppressive… Look! One of our party members is black!”


Pulling up the ladder behind her.

Ah, Lagos. So she knows a thing or two about conning 

This whole scenario feels a lil too close to home in too many ways.

Ladder snatcher

Bitch pulling up the ladder behind her.

Even Trudeau has admitted that his immigration policy has been a disaster. He’s changed course and wants to reduce the number of immigrants flowing in. The system in Canada has been exploited and natives are feeling the brunt of it.

Its kinda crazy how immigration is being attacked everywhere.

Its not them making everything expensive

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