Alot of things were said to win the race, alot of things won’t be done

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No one is going to lower prices. This is the new normal.

Wow, I’m shocked that Trump would ever lie. /s At least billionaires will continue to get richer, while everyone else suffers.

He’s going to give tax breaks to the rich. The rich have continually gotten tax breaks and this hasn’t helped the bottom 60%, ever.

I’m astonished really. I was told the President controls the price of goods generally and groceries specifically.

Trump still have 3-4 weeks before he’s president and he’s already walked back 80% of his MAJOR campaign promises.

It blows my mind that so many people forgot about his first four years. How many people believed anything and everything he said. He was caught daily telling lies. His entire former cabinet said he’s a liar and dangerous. The entire world laughed at us that he was even allowed to run. It’s astonishing that we have 80 million voters that are so incredibly ignorant.

You can’t unprint money. Why is this hard to get? Prices will never come down. If we play our cards right, actual wages should come up.

“Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.” – A “Very Stable Genius”

He was JUST president 4 years ago. I’ll never understand how everyone forgot what a piece of shit he is, SOOO quickly.

I’m glad everyone is really locked in to see if trump is gonna deliver

They don’t care. They just want the ones they feel are undesirable to suffer. That’s it, end of story. Every since the civil rights movement, they hate anyone being able to have what they have. This shit is all a front so they can keep up the act of, “I’m not racist, but…”

After the civil rights movement, it’s been about changing in your face racismto covert racism so they can still look “Christian.” Fuck em

It’s gonna go up when he takes office .. what suckers .. swing state suckers that 1%

That shouldn’t even be breaking news. You can’t lower grocery prices without increasing the value of the dollar. Common sense here.

Did the trumpers ever care about the price of eggs? It was more to vote for an orange clown over a poc woman.

Yep. The people who just spent the last four years putting those stupid “I did that” stickers on gas pumps are going to spend the next four years arguing that the president can’t control the price of gas. They’re going to eat shit and call it ice cream just so they can say that they owned the libs.

The reason prices are so high is because the FTC and the Justice Department have turned a blind eye on monopolies and trust.

Four companies control meat packing and lawsuits by stockholders of companies bought out by big capital firms using illegal practices like collusion, have been ignored by the Justice Department, or just given a slap on the hand.

Prices are going to stay high until we find a way to control the influence of the Wallstreet donor class.

They weren’t even played. They played themselves

Well, he says he works harder for the people than anyone before him. And he’s better than all previous presidents combined. So, time to prove it. Right? Right?

Btw, absolute s. I hate that fu**er with a fiery passion

Where’s my shocked face

Is that THE devon sawa??


Gas prices: $2.15 per gallon

Oil execs: how do we get people happy about $3.25 per gallon?

Solution: bump rate to $4.50 per gallon for 3-6 months, then drop rates and people will think they’re getting a deal.

If you aren’t a multi millionaire or higher and you voted for Trump and his cronies, you got played.

What’s alot?

Well, the person he just fired from the FTC had some good plans in place for that one, but hey, what do the rest of us know? 🤷‍♂️

That spray tan looks awful. The orange turd belongs in prison.

This fucker needs to quit his whining and get a plan together. He wanted this job so bad and is already complaining that it’s “really hard.” No shit, you idiot.

If you voted for this guy, you’re a dangerously stupid, racist, sexist, xenophobic moron.

You did not vote to lower your grocery bills, because absolutely nothing he’s said about lowering inflation or grocery bills before, during, or after the election cycle has been remotely accurate or even indicated that he has ever had the slightest clue how these systems work.

If groceries, gas prices, or inflation were even remotely your real concern, you would have done 5 minutes of research into these things, how they are affected, and how everything Trump has said thus far would obviously make these things worse.

You voted for this scumbag because the ignorant, racist, sexist, xenophobic things he says resonated with you. You WANTED to believe that deporting undocumented people would magically make your problems go away because you wanted to punish undocumented brown people more than you wanted your problems solved.

If you voted for this man, you are a piece of shit that hates everything America is supposed to stand for.

Dude is melting.

A lot*

“It’s hard.” What a fucking moron, no shit dude. I can’t believe I live in this country.

“for me, it was the economy”

There’s nothing any president can do to lower prices or reverse inflation, but that was the biggest ask from the majority of voters.

Sucks for all of the voters who didn’t want to vote for Trump, but voted for him because they thought he’d wave a magic wand so make life like before 2020. Sucks to suck…

Uhc avengers assemble!

Finding out phase. Welcome

ignore everything politicians say and remember everything they do

Is this kinda like the student debt forgiveness

Everything will then be blamed on Canada as the South Park prophecy ordained. You’ll see a movement to invade.


What incentive do they have to lower prices? They know you’ll pay whatever

Holy Moly! I see Vance in this picture! Where did they find him? And Elon isn’t in this picture. I am shocked by that too. Where did he disappear to? Hold on … is that Melania?

Trump supporters 2 months ago: Harris will destroy the country, she’ll raise prices and make gas $10/gallon, just like Biden did! Trump promised he’ll have prices back down by February, it’s time for a *real* man in charge!

Trump supporters the past couple weeks: Well y’know, the, uh… The economy is so bad, y’know, as we always say, the president always inherits the economy before them! And, uh, it’s not like presidents can just change prices at a whim! These things take time!

Watching him say this while trying to start a trade war, and gladly giving his extended family roles in the government

Not just “if you voted for this guy” — it’s every single eligible American voter who *didn’t* vote for Harris. Every single one of them is 100% complicit in every single outcome that results from the forthcoming Trump presidency that they were *instrumental* in making happen.

I hope you all get every single thing you bought with your actin or inaction lol

Sure! Now it’s “very difficult!”

In this photo, is he awake?

But …but…..he said he’d cut energy prices in half in one year…..he lied?

Players only love you when they’re playing

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