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By DotHot6
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When you’re getting paid tomorrow but you know your entire paycheck is pre-spent on bills and rent

When you don’t have enough money to live comfortably but also have too much money to qualify for any help.


That’s me now lol

Surely, it’s relatable

Once November hits and you think about all the gifts you have to buy.

When you are expecting your regular salary but you have debts you need to pay too and they are almost equal to your salary, which makes you still practically penniless when your salary comes

On my way!


In that exact position, lost my job two months ago and my savings are running out…

That’s the stage where you start calculating if dinner can just be vibes and a nap

You mean payday?

Christmas 😏

I’m just 1 bad decision away from being out in the street

Jup wife got told there is no more budget for her job starting February. I’m still recovering from a burnout. Shit going great

Me fr

I’m in this picture


especially this coming christmas celebs…

Feels like I’ve been there for years, even though I keep busting my ass and saving whatever I can.

At that moment you have a vision

I’m out here liquidating my life (just selling everything not nailed down) till I get a new job

Broke as in broken up, right?


“These people have no idea how to live without money. They’re what’s called “new poor”. We’re old poor.”


Shureck once again 😝

Me today on payday

Me trying to sleep on payday, repeatedly doing mental math after submitting all my bills for payment, and wondering if I’ll have cash on Wednesday for a cup of coffee.

The six-week Christmas payday gap is rough. 

Hang in there.

1 week into my monthly pay cycle. Every month.

Let’s all just commit suicide Jesus Christ. Clearly no one is fucking happy being alive anyway

I had never experienced this as an adult until this year. 31. It’s way more stressful than I thought it would be..

Yup every time I get paid

Its starting to look alot like Christmas😬

you have to save up some every month basically

And this particular pain never gets easier to cope with

I live there. (when I’m not already broke) 🙁


Pre-broke is an amazing stage. It’s when you’re most alert.

May I suggest a wee side-hustle? Selling on Depop, EBay, Poshmark…I have made bank$

Do y’all just never plan on getting ahead in life? Waste your money on all kinds of random shit to have fun or eat good for a day or two but stay broke your whole life

Im one medical bill away from being broke 😭

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