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Honestly, after developing a severe panic disorder over the last year convinced I was dying of heart disease of some kind, I canโ€™t say that I long for death anymore. Instead I developed crippling health anxiety and a fear of dying alone and unaccomplished, yet still having no energy to record that EP, self-publish my poetry or commit to another passion project. Fun! :โ€™)

It’s kinda funny how accurate this is.ย 

Oh shit ! Here we go again…

I have high blood pressure so if I get a chest pain i think im having a stroke. Im working on my bp though

i feel like I’m dying

Relatable on a spiritual level

Ha! Thank dogโ€ฆnope, false alarm, just anxiety.

Sometimes it happens.

“I’m comin’, ‘Lizebeth! This is it! This is the big one!”

I thought that was a meme on r/eggirl

I like the star from The Mario Brothers better. “Prison is sad, life is sad, life in Prison is very very sad” and i think he said something about the “sweet relief of death” ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Drink more water.ย Your heart was dehydrated. Random chest pain my ass we know what that is. Dehydration. Why the fuck do you think the first thing that they do when you get to the hospital is hook you up the fluids because 95% of the population is dehydrated

I’m 43. This has been happening for about 40 years for me.


I am waiting for it

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