Am I overreacting? Is these texts between my gf (24 F) and her boss (34M) something I should be concerned about?

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You’re paranoid my friend


Calm down, my guy. Your gf seems sociable and talking in a friendly manner. He seems like he’s conversing with an employee who he trusts.

Next question – she know you’re going through her texts?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these texts.

He’s her boss she’s just being friendly. She isn’t going to bad mouth him in texts .

100% OR

Seems pretty harmless to me, I do think you’re OR a bit.

I wouldn’t worry about it, they seem friendly.. nothing concerning from my point of view.

Definitely overreacting

Does she know you’ve taken a photo of her private conversation with her employer and put it on the internet?

get a grip

Please be single if this is a concerning conversation for you.

OR 100%, seems like a very caring boss which are honestly hard to come by these days in my experience.

100% YOR and the comments saying this is concerning are just as paranoid and weird as you are. Tell her you went through her phone just to find nothing.

How else should she be answering? “No”, “yes”, “dunno”, “glad I don’t have to work with you”, “damn, Mondays gonna suck I’m working with you, you’ve turned into a corporate shill”?


It’s totally fine and you are overreacting. Why are you going through her phone? I’d dump you for that and leave you in 2024.

Stop looking at your partners phone.

YOR. Do you make it a habit to go through her phone conversations?

Damn she’s just being nice?

Thats why women are nice to yall anymore. We can’t even be nice without yall thinking we’re flirting

This aint the gotcha you think it is. YTA

Way OR.

Yeah, you might be overreacting. I have a favorite boss too, no romantic feelings whatsoever involved.

Now, if she has proven to be unfaithful in the past, then I’d bring it up.

Pretty pathetic to react to your gf being friendly to her boss. Also to go through her phone without her knowing… for a man in his mid-30s, I think the issues are your own.
Edit: misread OPs age, but my point still stands!

Not something you should be going through someone’s phone, screenshotting, and posting online for. Don’t go through your SO’s phone unless their other behavior proves or suggests they can’t be trusted.

def overreacting

You’re OR. The real question here is why you’re going through her texts in the first place. Do you have reason to, or are you just an idiot?

This is a normal conversation. YOR.

You’re a red flag.

I bet she’s sending the guy nudes, right now. You’re screwed. What they’ve done, behind your back, would make a porn star blush.

…or she’s just a nice person with a good relationship with her boss and you’re an insecure boy. Calm down.

I wouldn’t worry about that, seems pretty innocuous to me

I don’t see anything concerning. YOR

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