Am I overreacting My girl was flirting with a coworker I found messages proving it and message dude that she was with me her boyfriend this was her reply
Honestly, her openly admitting to flirting with other people for fun and clearly relying on you for housing is not a great combo.
2 months ago
He can take her in. Fuck that bro you deserve better. Your girl isn’t acting like your girl. Dump her, don’t let her persuade you back in your life. People like this try do that all the time. When u find a girl that really loves you and is faithful too you’ll be so happy. This is bs sorry ur going thru this with this scumbag of a gf
2 months ago
Quit being such a goddamn pushover. This woman isn’t just cheating, she’s flaunting it in your face while forcing you to provide for her. Why are you worried about her when she damn sure isn’t worrying about you or your mental health?
STOP. You are enabling her behavior. Her shit should have been on the lawn the first and last time you found one of those messages. You need to find your balls and put her out. Never look back, bro. She doesn’t respect you AT ALL. It won’t be long until that guy has a toothbrush holder in your bathroom if you don’t put your foot down and her out.
2 months ago
“i’m sowwi” at her grown age? disgusting. this is embarrassing and she is cheating on you no matter what she says.
2 months ago
Bruh there’s like 7 billion on this planet. And you chose this one
2 months ago
As i see it, you’ve been used as a manfigure and babysitter for the children – AAAAND, been cheated on the time between. Litterally, i wouldn’t want more of it – and seek my own family fully. Explicitly speak to the children and say your goodbyes or keep in touch seperat from her.
2 months ago
She’s not flirting, bro. She’s full on cheating. I guarantee they’ve fucked. As a female, I can fuckin guarantee that shit just from the tone of those messages.
Her ass. To the curb. Don’t let her make you a bitch. Get it done.
2 months ago
SHE 👏🏼 AINT 👏🏼 YOUR 👏🏼 PROB 👏🏼
Get rid of her
2 months ago
My husband used to do this w a girl he worked with. Guess what. It never got better.
2 months ago
**WTF?? Grow a pair and wake the fuck up, please! Did you read what you posted?**
>*Miss your face?*
**You are UNDER-REACTING** u/Harkentoffin3. When she goes to work, pack her shit and leave it on the front fucking step. Do you understand what it means to be a doormat? That is what is going on. Not only is she walking all the fuck over you, she and her real bf (your just the fake, pretend bf – and I’ve been that too, and it sucks) but like I was saying, she and her real bf — the losers that they are, they are laughing at you.
Worse still, they are making up some fucking story, and you believe it, and now, they are laughing more. Because you are that gullible. They are probably saying things like, “Can you believe it? He bought that story? After he read me texting you that I was with him, as a joke.”
I want you to go to the mirror in the house and stare at it, and keep fucking staring at it, and do NOT fucking stop until you **FIND THE MAN YOU ONCE WERE.** Or find the man that is lost inside you. Maybe start screaming at yourself in the mirror. Try something like this: **”WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU??”** I am totally fucking serious. Because right now, you are essentially sleep-walking.
One of the best quotes I have ever read is this: **YOU CAN’T BE WALKED ON WITHOUT LYING DOWN FIRST.** That is what is going on. At some point, you decided that you were okay with lying down and staying down. And you just let her and him, and God knows who the fuck else walk all the fuck over you. The reason you are feeling like you are going crazy is because you have given away ALL YOUR FUCKING POWER TO OTHER PEOPLE.
**But here’s the thing: It’s yours.** **THIS IS YOUR LIFE.** **It is going to difficult, but you can take your power back quite quickly.** It won’t be pretty, but it is a must do thing. And trust me, once your head clears, and this bitch is out of your life, you will feel so strong. **LIVE YOUR LIFE.**
2 months ago
That’s so fucked up i feel so bad for u bro
2 months ago
She mentioned you and he ghosted her until she groveled and then he said “I was asleep” then he said “wanna hang out later” — that all tells me he’s in control and she owes him for upsetting him…. Meanwhile, she is telling you that she’s only flirting and you have nothing to worry about because she stops him…….. Think brother, think!!! What guy has time to hang out with the chick that’s two time-“flirting but teasing ” — amiright?!
Here’s the question ….. If she “basically lives off you or shell be on the streets” why is she willing to risk it all to flirt but not act-on with another guy?
And how many years are you willing to live like this? Is she marriage material? Are you putting a ring on that finger or are you housing a deadbeat?
2 months ago
Get that girl where she belongs, the streets
2 months ago
Absolutely NOT over reacting
2 months ago
Bro stop being a pushover idc if your providing her at the end of the day your slowly gonna be killing yourself over this so she literally belongs to the STREETS , there’s a saying in Spanish “mujer de nadie mujer de todos” translation is nobody’s women but everyone’s girl hmmm make what you want of it 🤷♂️
2 months ago
For the streets bro
2 months ago
She’s joking about not having a good time with you to another man, and calling him baby, hanging out after work?
Meanwhile you’re providing and acting as a babysitter.
Seems it’s time to leave, or at the very least set some VERY strict boundaries and go to couple’s counseling. The signs point to you having already been cheated on, though nothing is certain.
2 months ago
So you’re completely supporting a woman while she cheats on you? Have some damn dignity man, her depending on you to not be homeless is an even more egregious example of how she literally has no respect for you at all
2 months ago
I feel bad for the kids.
2 months ago
Quit being a pushover and kick her ass out
2 months ago
Leave dude. Now. This is beyond over, shes just using you and has no respect for you. Her and that guy can figure out their lives man. Take all the stuff out and dump it, no warning or text otherwise she could try and claim some fucked up story about how your the bad guy and did xyz to hurt her. Clean break, have people around for it. This is gonna be sticky.
Revised edit, its her kids, ffs man. What exactly are you getting out of this relationship dude? She’s using you for what you provide and has no respect or love for you. Leave, now before you’re even more entangled in those poor kids lives. Do it for your own well being. No one would blame you, she built that bed let her sleep in it. This has me unreasonably angry. Also dont get as petty as the other dude below said trying to get her to be jealous or show her a taste of her own medicine, just leave. Clean break. Change your passwords, empty all your shit out of there and leave nothing of value. Try and cancel your lease if you have one or kick all her shit out to the curb. Change your passwords, hide valuables and document everything. Have people present if possible. Fucking terrible situation man I’m rooting for you.
2 months ago
I don’t understand how anyone can see this and not become a heartless ass. She’d be gone so fast, and I’d be moving on by noon.
2 months ago
We have an apartment together and I’ve been raising her kids for 3years with her she replies on me to watch the boys when she goes to work which is where she hangs out with him. I have a job and I mean if I left it would be hard on me cause I’d have to sleep in a storage unit till I got a place but she wouldn’t be able to work and I’m not sure what to do. I spoke to her about this and she said that she was sorry but she changed the password on her phone so I am guessing it’s not gonna stop.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Your lives are not intertwined you don’t have kids. You haven’t bought a house together. You haven’t got investments together.
What you have is a cheating GF who knows which side her bread is buttered. If you are worried about her living situation give her a month to find somewhere else her living situation is no longer your problem. Frankly I think you need to insert your spine and tell her to GTFO.
2 months ago
Yeah… she can depend on the dude she is calling boo… you need to handle this OP.. its not going to get better on its own. Put the foot down that she quits that dude or put her out.
2 months ago
Lol I would NEVER disrespect my boyfriend like that. She does NOT respect you NOR love you
2 months ago
If they haven’t f***** it won’t be long.
2 months ago
“I’m sowwie baby” alone deserves the hard split
2 months ago
Under-reacting. Get some self respect and dump her.
2 months ago
“and message dude that she was with me her boyfriend this was her reply”
What kind of lovecraftian language is this?
2 months ago
Her housing situation is not your problem. She can go live with him
2 months ago
girl stand up !!!!
2 months ago
Dude, end it, kick her out or leave. Dont worry about what happens to here. Do this for yourself man.
2 months ago
Dude she ended it already, make it official
2 months ago
Congrats ur playing urself
2 months ago
Oh brother she’s full on cheating on you.who the f tell there co worker that they miss their face!!!??? Man up brother and confront her.
2 months ago
Her quadruple texting because he never text back tells you everything you need to know bro
2 months ago
Dump her.
Not for the obvious cheating.
Not for her disregard of you as a person.
But because she can’t use the right fucking “your”
2 months ago
🚫ZERO TOLERANCE🚫 “Sowwi Baby”, ⁉️ Excuse ME⁉️ “Miss Your Face” ⁉️ Her Things Better Be Packed Or Yours Better Be! Aye Aye! It’s A New Year, Start Over, FRESH! Your RESPECT, Morals & Principles Are On The Line, Don’t Fumble This Opportunity To Be Burden Free‼️As Soon As She Closes The Bar Doors, Her Legs Will Be Spread Wide Open 🙃🫠 #You’veBeenWarned! #ThisAin’tHerFirstRodeo
Honestly, her openly admitting to flirting with other people for fun and clearly relying on you for housing is not a great combo.
He can take her in. Fuck that bro you deserve better. Your girl isn’t acting like your girl. Dump her, don’t let her persuade you back in your life. People like this try do that all the time. When u find a girl that really loves you and is faithful too you’ll be so happy. This is bs sorry ur going thru this with this scumbag of a gf
Quit being such a goddamn pushover. This woman isn’t just cheating, she’s flaunting it in your face while forcing you to provide for her. Why are you worried about her when she damn sure isn’t worrying about you or your mental health?
STOP. You are enabling her behavior. Her shit should have been on the lawn the first and last time you found one of those messages. You need to find your balls and put her out. Never look back, bro. She doesn’t respect you AT ALL. It won’t be long until that guy has a toothbrush holder in your bathroom if you don’t put your foot down and her out.
“i’m sowwi” at her grown age? disgusting. this is embarrassing and she is cheating on you no matter what she says.
Bruh there’s like 7 billion on this planet. And you chose this one
As i see it, you’ve been used as a manfigure and babysitter for the children – AAAAND, been cheated on the time between. Litterally, i wouldn’t want more of it – and seek my own family fully. Explicitly speak to the children and say your goodbyes or keep in touch seperat from her.
She’s not flirting, bro. She’s full on cheating. I guarantee they’ve fucked. As a female, I can fuckin guarantee that shit just from the tone of those messages.
Her ass. To the curb. Don’t let her make you a bitch. Get it done.
SHE 👏🏼 AINT 👏🏼 YOUR 👏🏼 PROB 👏🏼
Get rid of her
My husband used to do this w a girl he worked with. Guess what. It never got better.
**WTF?? Grow a pair and wake the fuck up, please! Did you read what you posted?**
>*Miss your face?*
**You are UNDER-REACTING** u/Harkentoffin3. When she goes to work, pack her shit and leave it on the front fucking step. Do you understand what it means to be a doormat? That is what is going on. Not only is she walking all the fuck over you, she and her real bf (your just the fake, pretend bf – and I’ve been that too, and it sucks) but like I was saying, she and her real bf — the losers that they are, they are laughing at you.
Worse still, they are making up some fucking story, and you believe it, and now, they are laughing more. Because you are that gullible. They are probably saying things like, “Can you believe it? He bought that story? After he read me texting you that I was with him, as a joke.”
I want you to go to the mirror in the house and stare at it, and keep fucking staring at it, and do NOT fucking stop until you **FIND THE MAN YOU ONCE WERE.** Or find the man that is lost inside you. Maybe start screaming at yourself in the mirror. Try something like this: **”WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU??”** I am totally fucking serious. Because right now, you are essentially sleep-walking.
One of the best quotes I have ever read is this: **YOU CAN’T BE WALKED ON WITHOUT LYING DOWN FIRST.** That is what is going on. At some point, you decided that you were okay with lying down and staying down. And you just let her and him, and God knows who the fuck else walk all the fuck over you. The reason you are feeling like you are going crazy is because you have given away ALL YOUR FUCKING POWER TO OTHER PEOPLE.
**But here’s the thing: It’s yours.** **THIS IS YOUR LIFE.** **It is going to difficult, but you can take your power back quite quickly.** It won’t be pretty, but it is a must do thing. And trust me, once your head clears, and this bitch is out of your life, you will feel so strong. **LIVE YOUR LIFE.**
That’s so fucked up i feel so bad for u bro
She mentioned you and he ghosted her until she groveled and then he said “I was asleep” then he said “wanna hang out later” — that all tells me he’s in control and she owes him for upsetting him…. Meanwhile, she is telling you that she’s only flirting and you have nothing to worry about because she stops him…….. Think brother, think!!! What guy has time to hang out with the chick that’s two time-“flirting but teasing ” — amiright?!
Here’s the question ….. If she “basically lives off you or shell be on the streets” why is she willing to risk it all to flirt but not act-on with another guy?
And how many years are you willing to live like this? Is she marriage material? Are you putting a ring on that finger or are you housing a deadbeat?
Get that girl where she belongs, the streets
Absolutely NOT over reacting
Bro stop being a pushover idc if your providing her at the end of the day your slowly gonna be killing yourself over this so she literally belongs to the STREETS , there’s a saying in Spanish “mujer de nadie mujer de todos” translation is nobody’s women but everyone’s girl hmmm make what you want of it 🤷♂️
For the streets bro
She’s joking about not having a good time with you to another man, and calling him baby, hanging out after work?
Meanwhile you’re providing and acting as a babysitter.
Seems it’s time to leave, or at the very least set some VERY strict boundaries and go to couple’s counseling. The signs point to you having already been cheated on, though nothing is certain.
So you’re completely supporting a woman while she cheats on you? Have some damn dignity man, her depending on you to not be homeless is an even more egregious example of how she literally has no respect for you at all
I feel bad for the kids.
Quit being a pushover and kick her ass out
Leave dude. Now. This is beyond over, shes just using you and has no respect for you. Her and that guy can figure out their lives man. Take all the stuff out and dump it, no warning or text otherwise she could try and claim some fucked up story about how your the bad guy and did xyz to hurt her. Clean break, have people around for it. This is gonna be sticky.
Revised edit, its her kids, ffs man. What exactly are you getting out of this relationship dude? She’s using you for what you provide and has no respect or love for you. Leave, now before you’re even more entangled in those poor kids lives. Do it for your own well being. No one would blame you, she built that bed let her sleep in it. This has me unreasonably angry. Also dont get as petty as the other dude below said trying to get her to be jealous or show her a taste of her own medicine, just leave. Clean break. Change your passwords, empty all your shit out of there and leave nothing of value. Try and cancel your lease if you have one or kick all her shit out to the curb. Change your passwords, hide valuables and document everything. Have people present if possible. Fucking terrible situation man I’m rooting for you.
I don’t understand how anyone can see this and not become a heartless ass. She’d be gone so fast, and I’d be moving on by noon.
We have an apartment together and I’ve been raising her kids for 3years with her she replies on me to watch the boys when she goes to work which is where she hangs out with him. I have a job and I mean if I left it would be hard on me cause I’d have to sleep in a storage unit till I got a place but she wouldn’t be able to work and I’m not sure what to do. I spoke to her about this and she said that she was sorry but she changed the password on her phone so I am guessing it’s not gonna stop.
Your lives are not intertwined you don’t have kids. You haven’t bought a house together. You haven’t got investments together.
What you have is a cheating GF who knows which side her bread is buttered. If you are worried about her living situation give her a month to find somewhere else her living situation is no longer your problem. Frankly I think you need to insert your spine and tell her to GTFO.
Yeah… she can depend on the dude she is calling boo… you need to handle this OP.. its not going to get better on its own. Put the foot down that she quits that dude or put her out.
Lol I would NEVER disrespect my boyfriend like that. She does NOT respect you NOR love you
If they haven’t f***** it won’t be long.
“I’m sowwie baby” alone deserves the hard split
Under-reacting. Get some self respect and dump her.
“and message dude that she was with me her boyfriend this was her reply”
What kind of lovecraftian language is this?
Her housing situation is not your problem. She can go live with him
girl stand up !!!!
Dude, end it, kick her out or leave. Dont worry about what happens to here. Do this for yourself man.
Dude she ended it already, make it official
Congrats ur playing urself
Oh brother she’s full on cheating on you.who the f tell there co worker that they miss their face!!!??? Man up brother and confront her.
Her quadruple texting because he never text back tells you everything you need to know bro
Dump her.
Not for the obvious cheating.
Not for her disregard of you as a person.
But because she can’t use the right fucking “your”
🚫ZERO TOLERANCE🚫 “Sowwi Baby”, ⁉️ Excuse ME⁉️ “Miss Your Face” ⁉️ Her Things Better Be Packed Or Yours Better Be! Aye Aye! It’s A New Year, Start Over, FRESH! Your RESPECT, Morals & Principles Are On The Line, Don’t Fumble This Opportunity To Be Burden Free‼️As Soon As She Closes The Bar Doors, Her Legs Will Be Spread Wide Open 🙃🫠 #You’veBeenWarned! #ThisAin’tHerFirstRodeo