Am I right?

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politics and porn

Reddit has gotten so much worse since 2020

Pro tip: Do not accidently swipe nor click the cesspool that is the Popular tab. Just stick to subs you like such as hobbies, art, or game fandoms.

Alternatively, you can use Pinterest. It’s like Reddit, but you can organize your saves, and the comments and content are 100x more civil.

It was already trash in 2022, honestly.


More like 2014 but then again most people here were in elementary school based off some of the posts I see

Is there a reasonable replacement?

I think Reddit gets better every day. The trick is to not give a fuck. Troll some people, hate on some people, and at times be serious.

How has Reddit gotten worse?

Apparently, i am color blind !

just got here to sift through the rubble


Yes. but everything is getting worse every single year.

Fuck that, this place has gotten worse every year since Digg collapsed.

seems generous, reddit has been going downhill since the introduction of new reddit

youre not but its so funny that you feel this way. 2022 was 1.5 seconds ago

Covid changed us all dude.

I don’t know what everybody’s so upset about I’m having a great time

rEDiT wASn’T GoOd SiNCe tHE 90S.

You’re definitely

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