Amazing dedication đź‘Ź

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That’s not a “stay at home husband”, that’s a full-time carer for his wife with a disability

Give the husband an honorary degree

Now that’s a power couple.

“Stay-at-home” husband obviously isn’t staying at home but a stay with wife husband,

Restored my faith in love

Props to the husband. He just as important.

“Stay at home husband that carries her around”

Wow what a dedicated doctor!!


Do they have a Fund Me page or whatever? This kind of stuff I love to support.

“uses wooden stools to travel”…

Seems she’s using her husband to travel WITH wooden stools

Anyone ever see the Buster Scruggs short “Meal Ticket”?

What are the wooden stools doing in this scenario? How does she use them to “travel around?”

Definition of a Warrior

Definitely gives her the leg up!

…I mean, if he helps her with her work, it’s not really a stay-at-home husband…

‘ShE uSes WoOdEn sToOLs tO tRaVEl arOUnD’, looks to me like without her husband carrying her around, she wouldn’t get very far.

And the village couldn’t do anything to make it easier for her to get around?

stay-at-home husband? more like a Mobile All Terrain Ambulance of a husband.

“Wooden stools” is a calous name for her husband.

This level of true love is very rare. They both deserve all the praise in the world. I wish them both a long fulfilling life.

When is he ever at home??

Imagine if they had the internet…

A smart husband would make the village accesable for wheelchairs…


The Chinese will outwork you 100 percent of the time

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