Amazingly good decision if true.

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Pull out his pockets. I want proof.

the only sad part of this is that there aren’t more of trump’s creeps that had this happen to them.

😭”take his socks too” had me crying.

Hang him upside down by his ankle and shake him til everything falls out.

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Meanwhile Trump rests his make up face on a pillow made of gold thread each night. Rudy must be choking on bitterness 24/7.

I hope those election workers are enjoying their car, their credit cards, their cash, all their pennies…

They should take Fridays from this MF

Fucking take his shoes, he’s wearing clothes in the picture, take that shit too, this bitch should be living in a box

Gonna go out on a limb and say Ol’ Guiliani here is full of shit

He has hair dye tho right?


I think Walmart is hiring. And he was defending people who are pro-genocide so they did not give him any money either?

Someone needs to tell him to pull himself up by his bootstraps , get a job, and stop bitching. Dumb decisions have consequences.

Let’s hang him upside-down and shake him, maybe some quarters will fall out.



Nah take his glasses too. Fuck outta here lmfao

Take his leaky hair coloring too.

He’ll be fine as long as he has his bootstraps.

That’s not enough. Put his foreskin back.

Did he crawl so far up Trump’s ass that he turned orange too?

Mayor Bro about to start his ‘Donalds or Walmart greeter arc as a super senior
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Take them glasses too Since he aint see this shit coming

He’s still living in NYC, his ass still has money

TAKE IT 🗣️🗣️🗣️

May he never be able to afford even a cardboard box for shelter

If i can see rudy sleeping out on the streets during a cold new york winter my faith in humanity will increase just a little bit.

Take his royalties from the 2nd Borat [movie](, too.


I won’t be satisfied until they take his breath away

Call your daddy Donald.

Damn he fell off hard

Does he have a refrigerator and indoor plumbing?

Then he is wealthy enough to pay his debts.

If he didn’t disparage the names of the women working the election then he wouldn’t have these issues. He wanted to make it personal, now he can get personally fucked.

Take his glasses. It’s too late to see the error of your ways.

So sad. So anyway….

Somebody stop and frisk him just to be sure

Eat cereal.

As a millennial it’s been crazy to see this guy go from the internationally admired ‘Mayor of America’ champion post 9/11 to this

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I’mma have to charge his ass if he wants these tears.


“Sir, please move along.”

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Fuck you…pay me!

Would have been fine if he just shut his fucking mouth and rode the wave of being America’s Mayor before disappearing into obscurity.

Take his cane too fuck it

No GameStop credit?

I don’t know who this is, any context as to why we don’t like his ass?

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Lol good

Is it Giuliani time now?

Boot straps.

Also, bro says this but prolly owns outright like six houses and two jets or some shit. Just has to sell them


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