Amazon van broke down in my driveway 7 hours ago and is still here.

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you should bill amazon $50 for overnight parking

I believe the brakes failed during a delivery here in the late afternoon. The driver alerted us and was picked up. A tow truck was summoned but (it seems) also broke down. So now I have an Amazon delivery van as a guest at my home for, presumably, the rest of the night.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if that van stays in your driveway for more than 8 hours (which is the equivalent of one standard work day), you’re allowed to put a lien on it, so that you have a claim and so it tips over easier when you push it.

Where’s a car thief when you need one?

Funny if you left a car on their property, it would be sent to a tow yard

Charge them for storage feesย 

Salvage rights matey

Weโ€™re sorry your delivery truck is delayed, you can come back tomorrow if your truck still hasnโ€™t moved to explore refund and salvage options

Free packages !

That’s great news because once the van has had a full eight hours of sleep on your property, it means that the van, and everything inside, is now legally your property. You can go ahead and break into it now, no need to consult with a lawyerย 

The driver used a driveway? Thought they only parked in bike lanes

Earlier this year the Amazon driver got mauled by my neighbors dogs really bad. The driver got taken away by an ambulance and they had a couple other trucks come to pick the truck up and finish the route. Also Amazon sued my neighbors for damages, which Iโ€™m glad they did.

Guard our deliveries, please!

Santa came early!

Charge them for parking. Theyll pay it. And make sure thw tow truck doesnt damage your driveway if its a flatbed

Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll come collect it soon, but if it bothers you call pretty much any local towing company and they will come take it off your hands.

Start charging Amazon a storage fee!

Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Drag it into the shop and it is yours.

You’re gonna need to print a label and return authorization.

RMA it- theyโ€™ll be back to pick it up ASAP or you can drop it off at your local Kohlโ€™s

The packages belong to you now xD

I think it’s like those carrier bags they have and you can just keep it

Did he park it right up inside your tree, or did they move it there? Either way that feels inconvenient for everyone.

Order a lock pick set on Amazon and break in

Are you sure you didnโ€™t order an Amazon van?

It’s your now ! You can deliver things to the wrong adress like they do !

Remember if you’re cold their cold, bring it inside, or give it a blanket

Fill it with all your trash!!! Make them take it away!

Fix the brakes and start delivering, Kramer style!

Prime doesn’t wait…

Read that as 7 years ago and was deeply confused for a few moments

Was your package delivered?

Iโ€™d have that shit towed soo fast. Abandoned vehicle in my property is a no go. Amazon as a company can afford to come get it when itโ€™s down. Iโ€™m not a rental lot

TOW IT. Fuck Amazon and fuck Jeff bezos. He can afford it.

Living up to the motto on the side of the van.

I think this van is living it’s best life.

“RAM 3500” Took that too literally

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