America Destroyed By German

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In their defence the darkest part of their history might be about to unfold.

I sometimes think I got my education in the twilight zone instead of New Orleans, because I also learned about the holocaust extensively as well, and it was drilled into my head “never again”. We read Anne Frank’s diary, we watched documentaries every year. Yet it seems a big chunk of Americans skipped over that part of their education completely.


I’m a product of Deep South Mississippi education and we learned a ton about the civil war, causes (including the blight of slavery on our collective souls), trail of tears, etc.

The problem is some people saw those things as “overall positive, just needing some tweaks” and have fallen in love with the worst of human nature.

Because, and I can’t stress how much important this is, when you don’t learn your history, or you learn a sanitized version of it, you are bound to make the same mistakes over and over again, like the yanks who just elected as president what would happen if Putin was made of McDonald’s

The unfortunate thing here is that America isn’t the outlier. Germany is. Most countries that have done horrific things try not to take responsibility.

I am a foreigner who came to germany when I was 10 years old. Oh boy, the germans learned from their mistakes.
But here in east germany some folks want the history to repeat itself. So, it‘s a failure of the educational system

Germany is absolutely serious about this, as someone who has family there. If there were people marching w Swastikas in Munich today like we saw recently in Ohio, they’d be dealt with very harshly.
Germany is very aware of their past and very adamant about not repeating past mistakes.

What terrible shit isn’t covered in american schools? We learn about our murdering the natives and we learn about all the horrible shit like Jim Crow laws and the tuskegee experiment. People choosing to be idiots and pretend like history didn’t happen has nothing to do with public education and everything to do with people being morons.

I’m not sure what parts of our history they think are being covered up. Slavery, the civil rights movement and the injustices inflicted on the native populace are covered extensively.

It bothers me so much that the world views America as one giant Texas.

I don’t understand this. I was taught about the trail of tears, slavery, the Gulf war, and everything in high school. Either completely made up or talking from a point of view that has no idea what the US teaches in school

Except the genocide before in Africa and the atrocities in China resulting in the boxers revolt and thus the decline and plundering of them.
But besides that we seldomly hide from our past.

This seems like a legitimate question I don’t see why the guy who replied is behaving like a condescending ass.

And they use that history to justify unflinching support for another genocidal fascist state.

Lol there’s quite a few places that actually do try to cover up the darker parts of their history, the US isn’t at the forefront. Might want to take that energy and direct it at: China, Cambodia, Japan, Iran, Iraq, etc…

I graduated high school in 2013. The year after I graduated the school board tried to take out history about the civil war because it “painted America in a bad light and didn’t want to teach civil disobedience (or some other dumb ass excuse like that) in school”
Myself, fellow alumni’s, teachers, and current students protested for a week. They reversed the decision and the lady that proposed it was quickly voted out.

This was over 10 years ago in a blue state where the city was 90% white and right after the Romney and Obama election. I can’t imagine how much worse the white washing is now……

The one that bothers me the most in the US is Thanksgiving. The pilgrims and the native Americans got together and had an amazing meal and lived happily ever after. THE END. NOTHING BAD HAPPENED AFTER THAT. AND WE CERTAINLY DIDN’T GENOCIDE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM.

And all the Germans I know say Trump is bringing us on Hitler’s road. I know several who are leaving the states because of it

*spends 180 days in US history learning about the native American oppression, slavery, segregation*


And now Germany is defending Zionists because they fail to see the glaring similarities.

I’ve been to numerous schools mostly on the east coast in my life and when they talked about slavery, it was blunt and they didn’t shy away from a damn thing. Sometimes it was uncomfortable to see some of the things they showed us. Can’t imagine being in that position. Anywho, I learned about a few things our own government did to its own people too.

I’m sure there’s states and areas out there that sweep these things under the rug. There’s always that issue. But for the most part I personally haven’t been to 1 that didn’t mention these things in deep detail.

Edit- Hitler’s speeches are terrifying. The amount of support he received is crazy. I read a comment here that Hitler didn’t just illegally steal power… he sure didn’t, his people were behind him. That shit is scary. But then again, not too long ago we were literally pointing at people, calling them witches and drowning and burning them alive. As absurd as some things sound, people are stupid. Men women and children.

Anyway, just come to show the right words and like-minded people behind you is all you need. It may seem ridiculous but it’s very much the world we live in.

The experiments they performed are vile and horrendous too.

And they downvoted him/her for being correct.

The ‘who speak English’ part of this question really bothers me for some reason. Most Germans that are online enough to use Reddit will speak English. But the main thing is, only people that speak English would actually understand this question. Feels stupid.

American here who was taught extensively about the horrors and positives of American history. You could ask my friends from the same high school and they might tell you they weren’t. I think it comes down to a lot of Americans just didn’t pay attention in high school.

The United States doesn’t cover up our history either, the only people that think that are the ignorant losers who never bothered to pay attention in school.

The atrocities committed by the United States are covered fairly thoroughly in our schools, especially at higher levels of education.

Germans, in general, don’t pull any punches against themselves. Have you read some of the stories they tell their kids?

USA is a cesspit of a country, that is well established. But Germany has a cheek, given how they are currently funding yet another genocide.

The fact that they put “Germans of Reddit who speak English” as if Germans that are outside of Germany’s supposed indoctrination enough to speak English well should be able to expose it better like North Koreans that speak English getting interviewed. 😭

America needs to believe that it’s the good guy; teaching our actual history would make us (clutches pearls) just like every other country- a lot of bad stuff, some good stuff, and hopefully an ability to learn from the past.

Instead we just do the same evil shit over and over again and pretend we didn’t already do that evil shit

I don’t understand this. I have literally had hours of school dedicated to the holocaust from elementary through highschool. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have an idea of what happened. This is senseless America bashing.

Germans who speak English? So this only addresses 90% of Germans, how exclusionary…

i think it is unfair to name the usa. other countries have done terrible shit too. go ask turkey. or russia nowdays. just comment some countries

Just wanted some more deets with your post. And I agree.

same here, we talk a lot about the french revolution and the colonies, in particular the horrors linked to them

Well considering the Japanese don’t have a clue about their WW2 involvement…..

A little TOO extensive, if you ask me.

Like, as a child I thought “Who is Adolf Hitler?”

Then I thought he was the worst.

And then I just never wanted to hear his name again solely because I was so sick of hearing about him in History class.

Can’t we do the Romans?

Who was the first Roman Emperor again? And don’t say it was Adolf Hitler, because I shall slaughter you and bring a curse over your bloodline!

ooooh those are fighting words….lets rock!

“Hey man calm down, we’ve all seen how y’all get when you get all angry and shit” – op of initial question probably

As a history nerd, I’ve asked this question to my German friends just out of curiosity. I’ve never taken classes outside the US, so I’m genuinely curious about how other countries teach their kids.

You kind of do though.

They’re likely preparing for something big, and sometimes you have to brace for the worst when the past catches up.

What dark parts of US history aren’t taught in schools? This isn’t a murder if it’s not accurate.

Who is hiding history from you guys? I went to public school and this was taught very extensively.

If anyone is interested, in Italy also cover his dark past. You spend about 6month on fascism era and ww2 in fifth year of high school (may vary on what type of high school you go). At least is what I did when I went, that was 20 years ago.

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