America has no king

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He clearly stated, vote for me this time and you’ll never have to vote again. 77 million Americans apparently thought this was a good idea.

No, they have a dictator now.

France want their statue back.

America needs no king

This needs to be posted everywhere!!

Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

If Trump is a President, you get rid of a President through an election or impeachment.

But if Trump is a King, you get rid of a King by……

in 1776 conservatives in what would become the United States of America sided with George III and have wanted to restore a monarchy ever since the Revolution

Conservatism is a cancer to democracies

We have to be loud and throw everything we’ve got at them.

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I think the french invented a method for dealing with people like this

Trump thinks himself a King. Meanwhile Putin pulls the strings.

The illusion of freedom

> America has no king

… and never will.

Down with the bloody big head!

Trump calling himself the king of America is on par with “Norton I, Emperor of the United States”. Only in the latter case Norton was a beloved 19th century San Francisco eccentric and in the former the currently elected president, an eccentric whose qualities are widely disapproved of and with actual executive power.

Self-proclaimed American royalty. I never thought I’d see the day.

We have a man who knows how to bankrupt businesses trying to do the same with our country.

That’s why we came here

“America needs no king.”


Yeah, it has its Kings of Leon and Don of the Nation of MAGA Moronia.

If it got one he has to be abandoned and a new president ist needed.


Isn’t it supposed to say “let freedom reign”?

No, don’t let freedom ring.

When freedom calls, you better pick up!

Apparently she does

The United States did have a King. For the first 8 years until we kicked the British out for good. We know how to handle jumped up assholes.

We just have to hang together because otherwise we will surely hang separately.

They also have no regicide laws… just saying

America has no King, and it definitely has no President either. America is actually a dictatorship country, and Americans really worship their dictator as their new God.

Oh hell yeah, seeing art I made being adopted by others is a great feeling.

Can I be President for Life? Or wait, maybe I could at least be a permanent cabinet minister, lol 😆 🤣 😂

The last one FA & FO…

**No King**

What do you think billionaires are?

We have a president who might think that he’s a king, but he’s NOT !!

The clown has no penis

Damn yall update your signs fast

No king – just a guru of doodoo.

‘let freedom ring with a shotgun blast’ is the full quote.

“Only on Day 1”

He’s the king? Well I didn’t vote for him.

Unless we take action, and I mean the real kind, the kind of thing they did on January 6th, we will have a king in all but name before the year is out.

How did he get that made so quick?

There is no America , There is no democracy, The Corporations are King and don’t you dare forget it ,

We did…


Love it or leave it. I hear Russia is building suburbs for expats.

Fuck yeah! Show them who’s boss. They might not care now, but they’ll realize those who doubted us were right once they get screwed over by Trump’s actions.

Imagine the US ending up as a kingdom, like Sweden or Belgium.

America needs no king.

did you not see the white house post? king trump is the first american monarch in history him and president elon will do wounders for this great nation! HAIL THE HOLY KING TRUMP!


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