America stood for something, and it’s not this.

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America can’t even agree if DC and Puerto Rico should be states and they want to make Canada one? LMAO



“Elections have consequences.” So he’s saying that electing Trump was a bad idea? Because yes, yes it was.

He is so incredibly deplorable. No contribution to society whatsoever, him not walking the earth would have a positive effect on the earth in so many ways.

I hope Ben shapiros next shite is a hedgehog. An utter moron

Are they still planning to both build a wall *and* annex Mexico?

Do they want every single formidable ally they have to want nothing to do with them?

Im still hoping countries will send home the US embassy staffs.
Be clear in the message, no dealing with childish politicians please.
I know this will not happen, but i have the right to my dreams and hopes.

As annoying as this rhetoric is, especially being from Canada, I feel bad for Puerto Rico. They get denied statehood at every request, while we get threatened with it at every opportunity.

Canadian here. We kicked your ass once and burned down your white house. Don’t make us do it again.

There’s pretty much only one response to this:


As a Canadian it doesn’t even really concern me because it’s obviously just some stupid ass shit that’s never going to happen and like a month from now they’ll moved on to something else

Dont worry, theres no way this’ll keep up. Its just not possible to fuck the whole world in half as suddenly as they want. Retaliation isnt even a blip on their radar because they think america is this intimidating impossible god in the eyes of the rest of the world. They’ll see. We just need to focus on each other now, and be safe.

Yeah, threatening allies is the opposite of good. Like, how would other COUNTRIES legally vote in another countries election.

I wonder, when they – the US – threatens their friends, how think they will respond? How do they think others who are not being threatened that are watching and hearing what is going on are going to respond?

When your allies and friendly nations start tuning you and your influence out, they will find another way forward . This means US interest abroad is being threatened too, and all the goodwill it has cultivated over decades is evaporating.

If your elected leader is an unchained attack dog in a neighborhood, who is going to want to engage in anyway with them? As a Canadian living next door, it is way more destructive than it is projecting power.

Like, who in the rest of the world would look at the US anexxing Canada and go, yeah… those Canadians really did need ‘freedom’.

Elections have consequences.

So the message is that other people, who could not vote, Canada, Mexico, Greenland. Must face consequences for the American electorate.

Punishment and blood offered freely

“Sorry folks see we voted and decided that killing you and taking your land is fair game.”

When you’ve finished filling your war cemetery with young heroes, and your homes with orphans and widows will you still be as gung-ho?

America opened the doors to a Trojan Horse bought and paid for by every geopolitical enemy of America. There’s a reason they all wanted Trump to win. Trump was the greatest existential threat to date.

If Canada became a 51st state, it’d be another blue state the size of California and republicans would never win another election again, ever.

Trump is driven by ego and power. The main reason he wants to annex Canada is because it’ll make him feel powerful. It really goes no deeper than that.

Wasn’t Ben Shapiro supposed to be an “intellectual” conservative at one point?

I know it was always bullshit, but at least he’s not pretending any more.

Ben Shapiro is the kind of cunt i wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire

2nd most punch able face, directly behind Martin Shkreli

If there is not a time for Biden to impose his new immunity power. Arrest Trump for threatening global terrorism.

America has always stood for this. It doesn’t make it good, but let’s all stop feigning surprise that these psychos want to invade the rest of the world.

Remember when they said we were overreacting in 2016 when we compared Trump to Hitler? He wants to invade Canada mostly because his dumb ass couldn’t find Poland on a map.

Don’t worry guys, he’ll discuss the price of eggs next week.



If the moon is blue.

The funniest thing is that China simply continue doing exactly what it does now (the good and the bad) and it will rapidly increase its power and influence and will, no doubt, overtake the USA as the dominant nation in world affairs much quicker than seemed likely.


What the f* is wrong with these people?

Donald is Putin’s puppet and he’s doing as he is told

Remember when they said Ttump was anti-war. While not even being in officebyet, has already declared hostility on 3 countries so far.

We deserve whatever we get in reply. We deserve it.

He also doesn’t understand how something becomes a state

So we have basically 4 real choices here. 1) we say “no fuck you government” and rebel in some regard. 2) we go to war, lose horribly in both the short and long term while simultaneously isolating us for the next 50ish years foreign policy wise. 3) we still go to war but win a phyrric victory at the cost of millions/billions of lives and dollars. 4) we devolve into civil war at home (legally/realistically) with states withholding their support from our federal military and using locally sourced troops more than federal.

Shapiro is a deplorable piece of shit.

“America stood for something, and it’s not this” – ha, remind me again how come your country stretches from coast to coast? Were the natives like “hey white people – come grab our land! It’s for you to take”?

America was *always* about expansion, and for a little over 100 years it’s clearly also an imperialist superpower. Trump just shows the real face of America and liberals can’t deal with it.

Republicans: stop calling us Nazis!

Trump: let’s invade Canada. Greenland and Panama!

Republicans: yeah and get rid of all the brown people and gays!

Conservatives are a fucking joke

I can’t wait for the circle to shrink and Ben to become their enemy for being Jewish.

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