American activist Lorraine Fontana.

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It’s unfortunate that the republican Christian conservative right has hijacked the term pro-life

She’s out here spitting facts so hard, the sign needs a mic drop.

I’m on the right, and I couldn’t agree more with this person.

So fucking well said

We need about 2 million of her out in the streets!!!

She’s right.

Free housing for everyone

fighting the good fight…

Weird argument but I agree in spirit. Life begins at birth, if you don’t want to go through a pregnancy you shouldn’t have to.

Yes can’t be pro life if you want them starving

Went over my head but still giving it like

Nail meet hammer.

No one asked but I recognize this intersection as north Decatur road and Scott boulevard in Atlanta

Edit: she’s Atlanta based so maybe my geogussr skills really are that good

Let’s fund prenatal care, prenatal research, universal pre-k, family leave, sex ed, and contraception. After the abortion rate drops by 80+%, we can argue about what to do about the remaining fraction of cases that are left.

Good for her.

But, everytime I see this argument presented, I do not believe that the advocates, like the OP, seem to understand that to the people on the other side (and many people unaffiliated with either side) interpret this sign as something akin to the following:

“Yeah abortion kills a human life no doubt about it, but it is acceptable because the child (that was killed) would have been poor.”

Almost like it was straight from the 1913 Eugenics Monthly or something. It is an invitation for the other side to harden their position.

Bad ass.


She’s spitting facts but only thing missing is a mic drop

The problem here is that this image in no way advocates for abortion. It advocates for child care, which is uncontroversial to most people who are against abortion.

Calling out so-called “pro lifers” for saying “you aren’t pro life enough” is not the way to go.

Abortion needs to be justified on its own merits. A fetus has no brain structure for about 6-8 weeks and key structural components like the cerebral cortex don’t start to function at all until 20 weeks. This alone should be sufficient grounds for abortion being ethical as the personhood of the fetus, if it exists at all, is severely diminished relative to the personhood of the motherhood and our legal system is founded on personhood.

Make good arguments for abortion and we don’t need to come up with silly things like “well you say abortion is bad and yet you hate children” because *they can just say they don’t hate children, it doesn’t justify abortion to say this*.

Indeed you can just look at the comments for how many people who are against abortion are in support of this message.

Or the less wordy classic, “Don’t breed’em if you can’t feed’em”

As a pro-lifer of course I want all those things for them. But I believe the child in the womb is a life so we can’t terminate them just because they won’t get those things. If one believes the child in a womb to be a human life then this argument would also apply to children who were just born into unfortunate circumstances since they are both a human life. That doesn’t mean I don’t care if they aren’t fed, housed, educated, and go without parents earning a limited wage.

This is straight up eugenics. They deserve death becuase they are poor right?? Or is it because irresponsible pigs just want to raw dog it and live carefree, who cares if they kill a human because they don’t want to face the very obvious repercussions of getting filled like a jelly donut.

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