American activist Rachel Corrie, 23, stands between an Israeli bulldozer and a Palestinian house on March 16, 2003, in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Corrie was run over and killed by an Israeli bulldozer as she protested the demolition of Palestinian houses. (2003)

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I have a legit question did the bulldozer operator know she was there ? Its hard as fuck to see out of a cat that big . I legit want to know if the guy murdered her not trying to start a fight

This is the second time i see this on the sub this week

Israel went to war to secure their hold on that region of the world. She shows up to a bulldozer fight with a bullhorn. Brave? Maybe. Smart? Not in the slightest.

She is remembered and honored to this day at my alma mater The Evergreen State College.

And the West didn’t care. And the Israeli gov’t kept doing it. And the already awful and frequently violent tensions between the two sides increased…and increased….and increased

Damn there are some real assholes posting here


Israelis still mock her death to this day. Twisted country.

People need to realize that in other parts of the world, your feelings don’t mean results. Reading the 2nd part of the title, I was shocked. I didn’t think she lost her life trying to stop this very thing. Maybe she thought stepping in front would stop the bulldozer as in America or the West, yes that’s likely. Going into that part of the world and having this view of how things would turn out isn’t living in reality.

Very sad turn of events

Yes. After Yassir Arafat denied a two state solution at camp David, he went home and launched the Second Intifada. During the conflict, Palestinians used tunnel systems underneath civilian homes to smuggle arms from Egypt. They would also engage in combat from these homes.

Israel would bulldoze these locations in attempts to remove cover and access to these tunnels.

Rachel Corrie, in 2003, during the height of the intifada, protested the bulldozing of these homes providing cover to soldiers. The IDF claims the bulldozer had limited visibility and was unaware that she was there until it was too late.

And then everybody just goes about their business. What a waste. brainwashed into thinking she wS makkng a difference.

Israel. What wonderful fkng place and people.

Israeli soldiers held a “Rachel Corrie pancake party” to celebrate her death.

Never forget Rachel Corrie. America gave zero fucks about it.
Never forget the USS Liberty either.

You could accidentally run over a house in a D11. People don’t realise how huge those things are until you’re right next to one.

The driver claimed he couldn’t see her from his seat, which makes sense if you see this pic

Evil bastards

I once saw a really beautiful play in Vermont about her stand against the demolition and her murder. It still moves me to this day, and I’ll never forget her story.

And…her death didn’t do a damn thing. Sad shame!


Why did Israel run her over? It sounds incredibly evil…

I remember this and how literally sick I felt


She was a stupid girl!!

Israelis literally celebrate this day and make pancakes to celebrate her being flattened

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

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