American cemetery in Normandy, a little reminder of how that arm raising thing ends.

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donald trump already disgraced arlington cemetery for a photo op, i’m sure he’d be happy to do it again

He would see that and ask why that golf course has been spoiled.

Lest we forget.

If it’s the one I’m thinking of It’s just up the hill from Omaha beach. I’ve been there and it’s a beautiful terrible reminder of the cost of war. If you spend time looking at the headstones it’s utterly heartbreaking, so many young lives lost. I’m still hoping that painful lesson from history hasn’t been totally forgotten.

When America was great. Love to have got George Patton in a room with Trump. Patton the opposite of nice but hated Nazis and then the Commies and Russia even more. He’d have given Trump a straight right to the jaw within about 5 minutes.

More of our honored dead he refers to as โ€œsuckersโ€ and โ€œlosers.โ€

[Another reminder of a less picturesque “cemetery” ]comment image)

It never ended… It just evolved. Many countries adopted bits and pieces of their beliefs.

The sad thing is I doubt Trump could even point to Normandy on a map.

It’s not that arm raising that leads to this. It’s those brave men who fought those f**kers that ended up there. We have an American cemetery in my country aswell. General Patton is buried there amongst his soldiers.
We should honor these brave men forever

1.2 guns per capita in the “United States” and the cheetoh-stained nutsack and Oberster Kanzler Musk are still alive. Incredible

For me as a German, it remains completely incomprehensible what is going on in the USA right now.

Iโ€™ve been to the American Cemetery In Luxembourg (where Patton is buried). It was a breathtaking and surreal place.

My parents and I only exist because their fathers somehow miraculously survived the war against the nazis. My paternal grandfather signed up for airborne school and fought in the battle of the bulge. My maternal grandfather flew on a B17 and barely survived bombing missions over France.

I wonder if they would’ve gone to the trouble if they knew their kids were going to vote for nazi sympathizers. Lol.

They are too busy making America white again to care

Whats happening right now in American can and will only end in bloody violence. This is how dictators usually are overthrown. Just a matter of time, but it might take many dead people and long time.

> Why should I go to that cemetery? Itโ€™s filled with losers.

Donald Trump

but you somehow magically managed to vote it back in

Well let’s really hope you are wrong

If I’m correct, that is almost the far side away from the museum as there is the temple/prayer area back behind the trees on the right. To the left up the way is Roosevelt Jr. and past those 3 trees top center there is a line of crosses that reads, “HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOWN BUT TO GOD” This was a very real and sombering reminder what the cost of war is. I was there in 2016 and spoke with several veterans from all sides of the Normandy campaign many of which of since sadly passed on. The history forgotten is the situation repeated. I truly hope that you are wrong as the cost of life is priceless. I leave with a quote from the movie “Fury”, “Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.”

This is already how Russia/Ukraine is!

Only this time Europeans are not crossing the Atlantics to fight American Nazis.

I was there about 12 months ago. All the stuff to do with war is a hallowing reminder of what those people had to face. Walking along Normandy Beach and being able to visualise the soldiers storming the beach is… I’m not sure of the words.

One could say horrifying. One could also say humbling. It’s an experience all should have at least once to visit such a place.

Lest we forget and Godspeed to all those who sacrificed themselves to crush the cockroach that is Nazism.

Those who choose to ignore or rewrite history are condemned to repeat the past. However much you try to erase the past it will always return and far outlast the fragile easily corruptable human memory, adjust as many records as you like, condemn those who think outside the box as mentally inferior or afflicted but they persist until the last desperate act of attempting to destroy the evidence is when nations go against other nations and destroy each other.

why is a felon even allowed to run for president?? its not like his crime was robbery but FAKING THE OUTCOME OF A WHOLE VOTE!???

Went there several times. It’s huge.

โ€œThese are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions that helped free a continent.โ€

It was one of the most powerful memories from all the trips Iโ€™ve taken. Itโ€™s a must visit for everyone so we can appreciate and remember history.

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