American here tracing my heritage am from the clan McFacist have you heard of them

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Is that not the old Brewdog CEO

Lol, look more of a McFud to me.

My ancestor got spit-roasted by two sailors from Clydebank in 1760. Am I Scaddish?

Mcfacists? Nay, that’s a Mcfatshit.



Im so fucking sick of seeing that round fuckers face everywhere leave me alone im no fucking american!!


Ah, I don’t know specifically the McFacists, but I do know they married several of their sons with the MacNazis of the Isle of Seigheils. I think they have a camp there still where they teach people about concentration, or something.

MC turd?????

I didn’t wanna sleep tonight anyway. Thanks


Gives eggs a running for “smooth heid of the year”

Cunty McCuntface

Stay away from our sofas, couch-fucker.

Living proof that not all kilts are fanny magnets..

I’m sure they lived on the far right of Scotland.

Who the Mcfuck is that?!

Were they not in sworn service to the ‘Orange Mor’, MacMaga of MacMaga, Chieftain of all the Chinless?

Sure, mate, I’ve heard of them. You can find them in Farage’s arse.

Aye, they were gammon farmers. Still are.

Beautiful. I am also from clan McEmbarrassed.

Too skinny to be an American on Reddit. The fat Gandalf wand makers and architects with SAS connections on r/Kilt would be telling him to eat more. Plus the kilt is neither a mini skirt made from tea towels not round his midcalf. It would not compute for them.

The Pielander

I thought this was r/kilt for a moment

Tadge MacTadger

Well that’s eh… something. 13th direct decendant of my nan’s pal’s friend’s dug’s sister. His name Eyeliner Prance.

‘We WeRE Slaves TOo’

Holy garbage pale kid Batman.. get some eyeliner on this nonce

His klan.

Nobody cares about America anymore

what a terrible day to have eyes

“Ye didnae even say cheers once, eh neebs.”

The internet (primarily Twitter) destroying Vance is *delicious*.

He’s such a twat.


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