American take notes

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They have lived under military rule and don’t want to go back. America is hauling ass towards it.

Their president complied. That’s the difference. I don’t know if Yoon had any choice but unless Trump is forced to do the right thing he won’t do shit no matter what everyone else says. Political pressure doesn’t work on someone who doesn’t care. And also Trump has a lot of supporters.

In the USA…

* 10PM: Martial law declared
* 12AM: Protestors show up
* 12:10AM: Police fire tear gas and beat protestors
* 1AM: Police clashes increase and live fire results in several protestor injuries and deaths
* 4AM: Military shows up to back up the police, firefights between protestors and authorities occur
* 4:15AM: Massacre of protestors occurs in multiple states with politicians in the news blaming each other

Will the majority party in the US House and Senate stand up for democracy the way both major parties in South Korea did?

Half of the populace of the USA are drooling hate-filled idiots that want a dictatorship.
They don’t not look beyond “owning the libs”. They would happily stab holes in a lifeboat they are on and sink it, if it meant they could take a few “libs” with them.

No, the US can not defend its democracy like South Korea did. Our only option is to try and recover it from the inevitable dictatorship.

And not a gun in sight!

Let’s be honest, South Koreans saved their democracy because they have it. It’s impossible to take notes about something that you don’t have a clue

Americans are too weak and divided

americans are fully propagandized, and we mistake fantasy stories for self-respect. if americans had an iota of self-respect the fascists would be…less free to do their crimes

Americans are happy to get fucked in the ass by blatantly corrupt politicians.

We have to many fucking nazi traitors here in the US.

Yeah, we tried way more than that just to ask cops to stop murdering black people. We got water cannons, pepper spray, and 12,000 people arrested.

Please, Americans don’t want Democracy they want a king. As they have proved.

While I agree with the message I don’t see how this is a facepalm

Yeah, a country with more guns than people is totally the best place to declare Martial Law and have it end peacefully. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Why are literally all of these posts and comments talking about American politics? Can’t we discuss an important geopolitical event with significant regional implications without bringing up UTTERLY IRRELEVANT US poltics????

Won’t happen in America. Republicans run both the house and senate. Trump isn’t going to have any opposition for the next 4 years.

I saw a Twitter post of some American saying “this is why we have guns, to avoid stuff like that” than about 3 hours later a South Korean replied “as you can see, we got our democracy back faster than you could imagine without any guns”

The difference is that US conservatives are bootlicking cowards that would never dare oppose their liege Lord

Except half the country wants Martial Law here and would cheer it.

Yeah, I’d like to think the US population would do this. but there are about 30% MAGA cult in the population. We also have a strong disinformation machine in our country, as well. It could get ugly.

The difference is democrats/left leaning people in America would be gunned down by the thousands and my MAGA family members would clap like seals.

Why is this a facepalm?

Yoon only had a 20% approval rating. And I can’t imagine the Republicans doing the right thing in the USA. And I can’t imagine Americans with the same gumption to fight against fascism. And I can totally imagine what’s left of our media is spineless and weak and more concerned to being invited to parties so they will comply in advance.

So what I’m saying is, I’m super happy for Korea right now. Very proud of them. And hope that they will inspire more people in the USA because right now, I do not think we are a less corrupt country that can stand up to fascism.

The real facepalm is the idiot that made this thinking every government or the people they govern will move the same in a given situation.

Protestors didn’t have to deal with tear gas and rubber bullets that leave protestors permamently disabled.

The SK Constitution apparently gives parliament the right to overturn a declaration of martial law by the president. The situation i the US is not so clear,

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