Americans were grateful for Canadian aid during the Iran hostage crisis of 1980.

By xxqazxx
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Gander, Newfoundland is also the only place outside the US where there is a piece of the World Trade Center. We sent it there in thanks to the people of Gander for sheltering the passengers of all the transatlantic flights that were in the air on 9/11. Canadians are our friends, folks.

Lots of Americans were taken in by Canadians when flights were diverted after 9/11.

Wait, so we went from Canada helping us in a crisis to… today situation.

Trump is saying Canada is one of the nastiest countries to deal with…sigh

Decent people and they even wrote thank you!

So, what you are saying is, they said “thanks”. But did they wear a suit.

And then they promptly forgot about Canada’s help. And then they made a big Hollywood movie about it where they completely failed to acknowledge our (Canada’s) crucial role in the rescue

Good not trump infested times.

Most Americans including me love Canada.

Don’t forget water bombers during the California wild fires.

Lots of us are always grateful for our Canadian friends and neighbors. What’s going on here is a disgrace. It’s more than humiliating and embarrassing.

Only 23% of Americans voted for the baboon’s ass and his minion turds.

WE dont need to see this, your restarted President needs to see this. Push his face in history books but make sure its pictures only since this buffoon cant read for shit

Just gotta look at the motivation, why would you want to divide the western world? Who benefits from that????

This is all very transparent

The cult leader threw our alliance with Canada into question. He doesn’t represent us nor does he have a mandate. Period.

Many of us Americans still are, and will continue to be grateful for our long friendship with Canada. What is happening in this country’s government is shameful and embarrassing.

Then they did a movie about it where the Americans take all the credit.

Someone else doing the hostage now

They were so grateful that they made the movie Argo and took all the credit.

You’re welcome for taking Juno beach. Oh ua, sorry you won WW2 on your own. The hilarious part is Omaha beach is romanticized as this epic victory but it was an absolute embarrassment in terms of American military logistics. They botched bombing routes and the only reason it was hard because the americans messed up and refused to use all available vehicles.

And practically turning a town into a hotel after 9/11 grounded planes and stranded americans in canada.

I hope they were all wearing suits

This next election could be the Democrat’s opportunity to get in a moderate candidate.

God forbid we in Canada need to direct flights to the US, the orange man would deny us.

cool pic, but we dont need go back half a century to find examples. most americans like us… some like us too much like a clingy ex and want us to move in with them

I appreciate you Canada. Also, is Justin single?

Canadians are our friends and so is Mexico. Any disaster we have be it natural or man Mad, they are first to arrive with firemen to fight fires, water, food, they have given us support at every turn. They are our friends.

And just like now a Republican was on the side of our enemy giving them money to hold the hostages longer so he could hold it against Carter during the election…

And we said thank you
That should be enough for Pumpkinhead Vance

Americans are still thankful.

For one reason or another, 36% of Americans didn’t vote. Trump won 49.8% of the popular vote (or ~31% of Americans) and Harris won 48.3% of the popular vote (or ~30% of Americans).

Is the current state of affairs because of those who didn’t vote? Maybe? Probably? But we shouldn’t be thinking that the other 70% of America (those who didn’t vote, those who voted green or independent, and those who voted against this) feels the way the fascists do, otherwise the orange man has successfully turned the world against anyone who’d oppose him from within the US.

Any sane, rational American citizen is still thankful to Canada for this and the many other times she has helped us in the past. It’s just that a very vocal percentage of this country are cult members and cannot stop their self-interest from getting in the way of moving this country into a better world for us all.

I sincerely hope that any and all Canadian people know and understand that this orange buffoon does not speak for the majority of us, it’s just that it seems the majority of us can’t be assed to vote at least one day out of every 4 years.

America have a short term and selective memory.

shitting on jimmy carter is a new one for reddit

We love Canada!!!

If Trump know anything about history, he would be mad the only country to attack the US by land is Mexico.

Will he play THAT card later?


On March 9, 1916, Pancho Villa’s forces conducted a raid on the U.S. border town of Columbus, New Mexico, resulting in a battle and casualties on both sides, marking the only foreign invasion of U.S. territory since the Battle of New Orleans

Fun fact, that Argo movie is almost completely historically inaccurate.

And Americans have thanked us by betraying us. Showing what they really are

From America: we love you canada, our new facist leader is the problem please help us

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