america’s future generations? is this who i am supposed to save the glacier’s for?

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Costco membership? It’s a very liberal company, this guy seems much more Sam’s Club.

These people need the rude awakening that people don’t fear them, they just think they’re a twat.

Ten bucks says he’s an out of shape mid life crisis guy who realized he peaked in high school.

I think he is confusing the word fear, with punchline.

That’s a very long-winded way of telling the world that you are an utter c*nt.

We fear your lack of intelligence

So this guy basically says that he had it easy and life AND made life harder for marginalised groups and… is proud of it?

“Costco membership” I can’t compete with that, That’s an exclusive club of everyone.

I’m gay and I exist

I am a Republicans greatest fear
~and closet fantasy 😉

Oh no! Not the Costco membership! I surrender, you win this time…

Rich and racist.. fits in with MAGA

100% he doesn’t hurl those racial slurs at the actual groups


If you feel the need to point out you’re an alpha male … YOU’RE NOT!

Its so funny with those guys adding “alpha male” to their name 😁🤣😂🤣

I’m brown

I’m hetero and not insecure of my masculinity

I’m 5’8″

My parents are poor

I’m atheist and against established religion

I also use racial slurs with the homies

I tolerate the homos

Fuck your boat

Fuck your fishing

I am liberal and don’t bully anyone

I have a 7-11 rewards app

I eat beef jerky nuggets

I am the rights greatest fear

He craves attention.

They forgot 1 more…’I am an asshole’

nobody ain’t afraid of a 64 IQ

He had to add “My parents are wealthy” to have some sort of credibility with his MAGA’ts boyfriends.

This screams ‘insecure bully with unaddressed emotional issues’ and to top it all off he probably has a below average member. Needing to overcompensate in other areas.

Enjoy your mouth cancer, I guess

They’re still searching for clowns in some circuses. He should apply there.

That’s “left’s” greatest fear. Left is possessive of fear and greatest is a modifier. I went to Catholic school too, but mine taught grammer.

Nothing to fear on an individual basis. But when you get millions of people like this, the fear is for the success of the country that these idiots are fucking up

No, you can save them for our kids.

He forgot, “I’m an inherently insecure male.”

I’ll put a 10er down he has a chode or his priest buggered him.

He forgot “I live in my mom’s basement.” And “I masturbate furiously.”

Imagine bragging about being homophobic, using slurs, and having a Costco membership. No one fears you, you’re just annoying as fuck. Anyone who was an “alpha” wouldn’t feel like it’s a big up to be freaked out by gay people and other races. What a delusional self grandizing twat

A tall man with nothing but hate in his heart who smells like dip? I mean, it’s not my *greatest* fear, but I’d switch sides of the road if I saw him coming.

Costco is a liberal company

Octavius Rex sounds like he secretly fantasises about being railed up the arse by all of his alpha male friends

This guy is just another asshole using politics to pretend he’s not an asshole.

I am no longer on X, so I am glad these posts are few and far in between on Bluesky.

It’s sweet he thinks we care.

He will die in a ditch.

Things the Left are definitely not afraid of:

Tall people





Schools in general

Liberals love or are just fine with all the above. Hell, no hate for being born into wealth, good for you!

The rest is just you being an asshole and thinking you can finally say these things publicly without being victimized.

Boat? He seems more of the yacht type….

He’s no one’s greatest fear. Greatest national embarrassment, perhaps. 😏

Oh no, what am I to do?!? Maybe I will just ignore him because he sounds lame.

I would believe this person a lot more if there was the use of a photo, as he described himself. Until then, I smell BULLSHIT.

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