An alternative solution

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They have. It was not something they thought would be appropriate.

“I thought he had a gun in his police issue license holder”

The pouches store everything a thief needs to gain your identity, so when they steal your car they can easily gain title.

Also wouldn’t someone presumably need to reach into their wallet to put the license in that pouch?

Or to avoid getting shot by cops in the event you get pulled over is the expectation to just start putting your license in that pouch every time you drive to be safe I guess 

Or just not hire people who are deep down a bunch of mentally sick, plain cowards, sociopathic/psychopathic, and mostly racist fiends.

Dont leave your ID, registration or license in your car.

I don’t think the shooting happens because of teaching out for documents, I think there’s a predisposition *** to draw a gun.

***Racially motivated.

Yea, cover up your air vent so I don’t have to systematically murder you. Fair trade.

I love this. USA trying to solve problems they created that nobody else had in a sane world.


But that’s why they joined up!

American stupidity

Also won’t help. They might call these shootings accidents but I don’t believe for a second they are. If an officer is determined to shoot someone that pouch isn’t going to stop that.

They did, but the police unions were very displeased with that proposal.

I’m gonna put this out there… I’m a white woman and I’ve been pulled over just as much as the next person. 100% of the time, I pull everything out of my wallet/glovebox the moment I’m stopped. I’ve never one time in my life ever had to worry about a cop treating me like I was reaching for a firearm. I’ve not once ever had to worry about keeping everything 11/10 perfect during a traffic stop.

So, it does seem to me that the problem isn’t with drivers behaving “improperly” or whatever made up nonsense cops use for justification. The issue is clearly that we should train police to understand that THEY ARE NOT JUDGE DREDD, and don’t get to just mete out [their fucked up vision of “justice.”](

“Sweet, I can hide my gun behind that thing”.

It’s sad that we’re at a point where we need pouches to make sure people don’t get shot during a simple traffic stop. Maybe instead of focusing on these “solutions,” we should focus on changing the way police approach these situations in the first place—like less force and more empathy. People shouldn’t have to feel like their lives are in danger just for driving.

This is like TSA telling people to show up to the airport naked because they can’t do their job without killing anyone otherwise.

It’s the cops that are reaching with this solution.

This is roughly the same as the Toronto police saying to leave your keys outside to avoid auto theft.

Maybe the CEO assassin should be given paid administrative leave 🤔

That looks like it would fly out the car if you drove on the highway with your windows down. 😅

They’re not being shot because the cops think they’re reaching for a handgun. They’re being shot for “Breathing while Black”

So their police are so emotionally unstable and scared that you need to act as submissive as possible so they don’t freak out and murder you. Got it.

Lol murica

I seem to recall a common phrase from a certain Fascist country being “Papers, please.”.

Wow, they turned victim-blaming into a physical object.

Pigs wonder why we hate them! ACAB

It’s why I announce to the cop that has pulled me over very clearly what I’m going to do before I do it. “I am now going to reach over to my glovebox, open it, and remove my insurance card and hand it to you, is that ok?”

This is a bandaid, at best. No, it’s actually stupid. A pouch to reduce “…deadly encounters”? There are many people, criminal or not, uninsured, unlicensed. Finally, I’m not gonna stick this ugly plastic on my “air vent”!

“Deadly force encounters during traffic stops”

Just one question. What the fuck?

Mandatory 3(+) year university level education for all cops in US like we Nordic countries have. I’d bet that weeds out 90% of the “shoot on the slightest possible justification cops” from US police force. And the rest learn that you don’t need to kill people when they are going trough their own wallets

Ah yes, just make it easier for cops that pulled someone over without just cause to confiscate someone’s ID and other papers, instead of training them on how to not shit themselves in fear & anger the moment they see a minority.

lol this isn’t for the cops, it’s for carjackers.

Oh, great idea!!

This way, if I get pulled over and a cop murders me in cold blood, they can say it was my fault for not using their silly bag! Instead of actually reducing the risk of deadly altercations, it’s apparently much easier to just further safeguard cops against the consequences of their actions!

cops could get a nasty cut from the edge of that plastic pouch though….places them in danger of their lives.

When you only hire the worst that not even the army will take them as your Police department…
Why has this become the norm

Here’s a way that you might be able to keep us from killing you as you panic while trying to figure out whether you’re going to be surviving this encounter with the armed person who decided to hunt you tonight for reasons that you may or may not be aware of. Good luck!

Distributing the wallet equivalent of a bear-proof trash can to your citizens because cops are basically wild animals who panic easily is a hell of a society to live in


A copper with a gun and not using it is like a coke head going to a festival and trying to save the bag in their pocket for another day.

Pew ,pew pew first ; questions later

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