An Austrian loved art and animals

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They didn’t kill him for being a fucking plumber! They killed him for the way he killed people for profit!


The party?!?!? WTF did I miss? Last I saw EVERYONE is pretty ok with this shit

He was not “murdered because of his job”. He was murdered because of his choices. He 100% could have not been a mass-murderer responsible for the death or destituion of thousands of people. He chose to be an immoral piece of shit who put profits before people. Choices can have consequences.

Edit: a word.

That’s really not a fair comparison. Bin Laden didn’t kill 1/10th as many people as UHC.

So just kill childless singles? Got it

Wait, so fathers should be untouchable from repercussions for their actions? Them why have we locked up so many black fathers for weed charges?

The US military killed a father AND his two sons in Iraq. So what if they were the Hussains and “Monsters”. They were just doing their jobs right??

Party of? I finally have something I can talk about with my maga relatives. They all agree this was a long time coming.ย 

It’s not “because of his job”, it’s because of what his job DOES. If his job wasn’t to maximize profits at the costs of patient care it wouldn’t have been an issue. But that’s NOT what his job was. His job was specifically to increase profits to shareholders and it came at the cost of patients health.

When did this become a party thing? Iโ€™m pretty sure 95% of Americans across all political spectrums feel the same way.

“…because of his job” translates to “just following orders” except he wasn’t because he was at the top, wielding the system to his advantage, against the most vulnerable who depended on it functioning properly and who deserved as much considering they paid into that system, even though healthcare should be free/affordable/universal.

Not so much his job but his willing actions while doing said job

Itโ€™s not even political despite everyone trying to make it political lol . This is bi partisan

What did people think “Eat The Rich” *meant!?*

“Eat the rich…but non-violently…and only those without families…”


One manโ€™s terrorist is another manโ€™s patriot. (Sound familiar J6 folks?)

The people acting like there’s humanity we’re missing in this killing need to stop. A very greedy, monstrous man was killed and his “poor family” knew he was a scumbag but were fine with it because it gave them a great lifestyle

If Ben Shapiroโ€™s latest YouTube vid shows, there isnโ€™t a political party rallying behind this killing and showing sympathy for the killer. Itโ€™s everyone who isnโ€™t a mutimillionaire and has to depend on their health insurance to cover medical expenses so they donโ€™t have to choose between rent or medical care.

Morally, I’m not sure, but from an electoral standpoint, it would in fact be a “great political choice”.

I don’t just see people from one party enjoying this. It’s about the closest thing to bipartisanship I’ve seen since the last war.

Just because something is legal, doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s moral.

Incredibly immoral things can be done completely legally, and Iโ€™d say that making money by denying peoplesโ€™ health insurance claims is one of them. These people know how much human suffering theyโ€™re causing and they donโ€™t give a fuck.

Also, it stays legal, in part, because these people pervade democracy by lobbying politicians with money.

You can buy all the politicians and lawyers you like but there is always an answer to What Are You Going To Do About It?

This has to be one of the most bipartisan murders in American history and it is fun to watch the media and the billionaires try to find a schism and divide it up and fail miserably.

All the people saying weโ€™re bad, we donโ€™t care. When you arenโ€™t ashamed of your beliefs you donโ€™t feel the need to justify them constantly. He deserved it. Period. He was an evil man who could have ran the company differently. He didnโ€™t so someone killed him for it. Whether it be a random citizen or corporate hit idc. One less monster is one less monster. Fuck that guys kids they eat off blood of Americans. Theyโ€™ll still have a huge house and freedom 95% or more donโ€™t have. No tears from me fuck them.

Ben Shapiro bros are applauding the assassin. This isn’t a Democrat thing… Most of the politician leaders are terrified

What party is that? These idiots seem to think everything is partisan.

Sarah thinks a man’s life is worthless unless he has children. Not a good look, Sarah.

Republicans finally hit a topic they cant split the country on. We can all agree these health insurance companies and their heartless CEOs are evil in trading lives for profit. Wait til the price of food skyrockets because of tariffs and they start to look at the billionaires they put in office and realize what side they are actually on. Maybe by 2028 we can start a labor party movement and have a party for the people, or if desperation dictatesโ€ฆ the rich.

Is “It’s just his jOb” the new “it’s just my pOlItIcAl oPiNiOn”?

Its quite funny, most of the conservative wing also seem to somewhat support a certain assasination involving a certain CEO.

Despite the radicals trying to spin this into a right VS left situation, both sides hate the fucking US health system.

As well as a lot of soldiers

Your right itโ€™s not a great choice. Itโ€™s an awesome choice

It’s sort of sounding like having at least 1 child will make people care if someone was to murder you.

Food for thought…

Sarah, please sit down and zip it. No one was making claims politically about it. This is your doing.

Literally the Nuremberg Defense.

Last I checked republicans were not complaining either

Denying people lifesaving medical care because they don’t have the right benefits could also be interpreted as killing people because of their jobs

The party for murdering a father because of his job is at my place!!! Weโ€™ve been going for 3 days straight

How can we have lost? Everyone I know was celebrating an assassination!

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