An effective strategy at any age

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My wife once gave me a handful of change when walking past the arcade at the mall.

Lol, sounds like a woman who knows how to get what she needs.

And, it worked.

lol. I love it when football or basketball are on so my husband can watch them and I can stream British detective shows on my iPad in another room.

Thanks for the tip. Iโ€™ll try it on the hubby! lol. A girls gotta rest!

Smart gal.

A keeper

It was super effective

Marry her

Might have to steal this one….

This is the second Mademesmile post that made me smile, off I go to add this subreddit thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

A keeper!

Straight couples life hacks

They say u marry your parents..

That is 4D chess

Jokes on her, Iโ€™m going to be screaming at the refs right as sheโ€™sโ€™ about to fall asleep.


I do something similar when Iโ€™m in the kitchen cooking dinner – just casually mention thereโ€™s chips and salsa next to the Xbox controlled on the coffee table

Bet you woke her up when you realised

It’s healthy for people to spend time apart and doing things by themselves in a relationship.

My ex bought me some beer, some chips and red dead redemption 2.

She set it all up on the couch in our spare bedroom, which was where by PlayStation was.

I thank her, gave her a kiss,and then we went to sit on the couch after dinner.

She looked at me and said ‘what are you doing?’

I looked at her confused and she said ‘go play your damn game, I don’t want to see you for the rest of the night’

And that was how she showed me love.

Not all heroes wear capes ๐Ÿคฃ

Smart woman ๐Ÿ˜Š

thats a keeper

She played the long game

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