An Elder’s Powerful Message

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The true meaning of caring for a child

And wanting people to be able to freely and safely make reproductive choices for themselves is pro life. Not forcing doctors to abandon their patients in need so they don’t risk going to prison 👍🏻👍🏻

Let’s face it, who ends up picking up the pieces when people are “forced” to have more children than they can afford or can take care of reasonably? The grandparents.

Plus, this woman was alive when people realized women wouldn’t be equal to men until they were treated as having the same level of medical autonomy. So she knows.

This is an incredibly important distinction to make.

There has been a part of me that has fantasized about having biological children for a long time. However, because I care about my unborn child’s quality of life, this is a dream that I am more or less committed to never realize. I have a ton of mental and physical illnesses, many of which could be passed down to my child and greatly harm their quality of life. I think about my finances and my ability to give my child the kind of life I would want for them. I think about the environment and the state of the world, and I feel uncertain about bringing a kid into all of this when I’m genuinely not sure it would wind up being a happy experience for them.

With all of this in mind, on the off-chance that I get pregnant, I will abort. I don’t believe in “killing babies” or whatever pro-lifers think, but I do believe in making educated decisions to set kids up for success. Just because I want a baby doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. The right to choose has a lot wrapped up in it that pro-lifers don’t seem to understand, or want to.

It’s not just pro-birth. It’s pro-forced birth.

Not true…

In order to be pro birth you also have to be for things that prevent fetal mortality.

Things like: universal healthcare so women can seek healthcare early and often.

Free healthy food for women like WIC.

Free mental healthcare to prevent alcohol/ drug abuse.

Free transportation to healthcare visits.

Why are you booing her? She’s right

Way to go Mom. Keep those messages coming Sister

Love this


Stuff to ponder at the Crocs store.

She gets it!

Absolute truth.

Today’s “pro-life” just means “forced-birth”

Pro Life be like: We love our Fetuses

Fetus is born: Oh thank you guys, now what’s next ?

Pro Life: Fuck you, kiddo

The only thing I would add is “born to parents who wanted them”. Forcing a child on someone who doesn’t want a child is more likely to lead to abuse and neglect than the parent magically changing their mind once the baby arrives.

Absolutely and succinctly put

She understands PRO LIFE.

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Can you tell me who the original owner of this image is?

In short, “Life doesn’t end at birth.”

Category error meant to confuse the point.

Wanting a child not poisoned and ripped apart is pro-life.

This looks like a major intersection in Decatur, GA.

This is the most clear and concise poster on the subject.

This is kind of how I feel about the issue as a man. Yes, I do think that all kids should get a fair shot at life and a chance to be better than the monster that help make them (i.e. a man who r_pes a woman, or a father who does the same thing to his daughter). But I also understand that, ultimately, it’s not my decision. I’m not the one carrying the child. She is. “My body, my choice” just makes sense. And who am I to say “No. You WILL have my child. End of story”?

ETA: and one thing I hate that conservatives do is make it seem like abortions are as easy as buying groceries. Sure, it may be relatively safe if a woman goes to a good facility. But it’s a monumental decision that she probably racks her brain over, even after it’s already been done.

I’m glad this lady wasn’t aborted. She made my day🥰.

I don’t mind sending a quick missive that’ll get taken down by me in ten minutes. It’s not a big deal. I just need to occasionally point out that it seems to this non-logician like some pretty fallacious reasoning to say that if a person is fighting what they believe is a kind of civil rights battle for what they think of as unborn people, then to say that that person should also be willing to care for that child… I’m sorry. I know what people mean, but despite that fact that I’m pro-choice, I’m not under the illusion that the pro-life crowd is primarily anti-choice so much as they are primarily anti-abortion. Being anti-choice comes with it, because they see it as criminal behavior. There just is so much of a difference between feeling and thinking a certain way and wanting to work toward that being a reality, and thinking and feeling a certain way and wanting to use that as a way of being opposite to other people — even to the point of violence or just demonization. You know that thing about, would you date a conservative if you’re liberal or a liberal if you’re conservative, and the typical answer, I don’t date outside my species? That sort of thing? That’s where it’s gotten. Why does an issue have to be primarily *against* some*one* when it could just be *for* something?

I love this. So well said, thank you.

No one is against the second part?

Wanting your child to weigh 1000 milligrams is programming

So pro-abortion is pro-death

If you can’t afford the things at the bottom of the sign, you can’t afford the child. So it’s simple, don’t have unprotected sex. Abortion is not birth control.

And wanting a child aborted is pro-death, that is still a living being and you are taking away their chance to live their life

So what does wanting to stop the birth of that pre-born child make you?

Is she a boomer?

Fuck yes

Yes 🙌

Capitalism is evil and drives poverty. But having a child when you’re impoverished is its own kind of evil.

This sums it up well I think.

Only in a perfect world…

Children without food, home, or education deserve to die

“We’d rather you be dead than be poor”

Got it

Too complex for intersection

No. Wanting them born is acknowledging that they’re more human than anyone who thinks they have the right to murder them at will.

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