An iron lung I saw in a hospital.

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The people who need to understand this message aren’t able to

My mother was one of five sisters. In 1918, the two oldest both contracted infantile paralysis after polio virus infections. One was 6 years old, the other 4. Both were paralyzed the rest of their lives. They used to scoot around the house
sitting on cushions! My grandfather took them to many specialists in the USA, unsuccessfully looking for a treatment. What he and they would have given for a vaccine!

There should be a display of various items in every waiting room in hospitals. Like a museum for obsolete medical things. People who really need to be in ER won’t care and people who go.there unnecessary can start thinking about that shit

“Polio Paul” spent 70 years in an iron lung after contracting polio. He just passed away a few years ago.

This needs to be up on billboards everywhere.

Bulk of the series, Dude.

getting ready to bring that back after RFK messes with the polio vaccine

#polio. My dad had it as a child.

Saw an exhibit in Mahomet IL about vaccinations at a Lincoln/Prairie museum. Things used to be really really bad. Bad like we don’t talk about it bad. And now that we don’t talk about it, people have forgotten.

This is what they want when they “make America great again.”

If the anti-vax were smart enough to read, they’d be very upset

Fuck me. I’m typing this sat at a wine bar in Valencia, beside me is a table of three 30ish Americans. Have been eavesdropping on their convo. Pro RFK, vaccine sceptics etc. Cooked.

“And a good day to you sir!”

Republicans must HATE this 😆 

This girl I went to high school with had a baby and keeps posting on Instagram how ‘if you knew what went into vaccines, you’d want their creators imprisoned ‘ among a bunch of other fear mongering crap. How tf can we help these people when they refuse all logic?

I’m thinking about buying stock in a place to make them…they are going to make a comeback. Of course they will be maga branded

Quick background: these used to be in widespread use for people whose polio infections paralyzed their breathing muscles. You’d put someone inside the iron lung, with only their head sticking out, and the machine would create a partial vacuum that expanded their chest.

People would spend weeks and sometimes months or years inside iron lungs, because they’d die without it. Eventually most of the people regained enough muscle function to leave. but they might suffer lifelong paralysis of other parts of their body.

From New York’s Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Museum: [an iron lung ward of the early 1950s]comment image) shortly before polio vaccine was developed. This disease was terrifying.

You anti vaxers in here can get fucked

He has health problems

People don’t understand how hard this hits until they see a photo of a relative in one. Until then, they won’t get it.

But what about the iron lung manufacturing industry? they are almost all gone!

Expensive too. Imagine how much cheaper it is to simply get vaccinated

did you go to a log cabin hospital

Can’t you all put rfk jnr in one of these for the next 4 years or so?

I’d turn that into a smoker!

Quick question: would we really use an iron lung? Or would we use ventilators or those sleep apnea machines we used during covid instead?

bulk of the series, dude

Hey! I was in one of those as a baby apparently for some reason, I’m fully vaccinated btw my parents aren’t stupid. I’ll have to ask my mom again why I had to be put into one. If anyone is wondering I am 32 going on 33 for reference.

One of the GOP Olympic sports champion discretion COVID vaccine and got COVID and almost died and they were asking for a hand out to help her pay for her living.

There’s one singular patient left in the USA that STILL uses one of these things

What sort of outdoor hillbilly hospital is that

(Clearly a repost bot with shitty inaccurate title)

My great aunt was in one of these when she died of polio at age 13. Sad

what does the emerg + a + care shortcut do and why is it relevant here? what operating system uses those keys

Turn that into a bbq smoker

A friend of mine is a big anti vaxxer. There’s no getting through to some people.

Those poor people. The last guy to use it is now free.

Wait, so people still get polio and pass it around it’s just not that severe, like Covid vaccines?

Invest in steel now before that boom

Perhaps to hit home even harder is offer/challenge people the opportunity to lie in one for even 1 hour – doesn’t even have to be powered up – just see what it feels like to have to be there with your head out as the only connection to the surrounding world.

Tons of people died from COVID still denying COVID existed. Once misinformation sticks you might not be able to get rid of it.

Modern ventilators also helped.

I was aware of polio at an early age. Probably in the mid 50’s. At sometime I was very sick, not sure what it was, but polio was on my mind.

So sad how stupid MAGA is.


I’m not at all against modern medicine, but I also see how companies can make huge short term profit at the cost of the patient. Look at Pfizer’s track record for selling people shit they knew were harmful.

Both can be correct, you can believe in modern medicine but be skeptical of the financial incentives that pharma companies have become reliant on.

If only antivaxxers could read. Sigh

What about the iron lung builder jobs? Are you against keeping jobs?

Repost bot

Imagine being hooked up to that!

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