An old evergreen classic

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I could see Trump suing because it’s actually 3.5in and it’s a really good peen. Some have said it’s the best and that it’s bigger in person like almost up to 5in. Others have said it’s really huuuuge, they’re good people.

Yes he paid her $130,000 to not talk about the sex they did not have.

Russian State TV was even defending trump’s little mushroom junk!
“Stormy’s expectations are unreasonably high”


When Rudy Giuliani said that Stormy Daniels has no credibility because she’s a porn star, he neglected to mention that Trump has appeared in three Playboy soft porn videos, and anyone with an internet connection can see his soft porn, trophy wife naked.
In the third one he appears backstage at a fashion show with two Playmates along with the future first lady, then Melania Knauss, his girlfriend at the time.

Boom roasted

Holy shit!! His dick is smaller than mine?!?!?! He can’t run my country! What were we thinking?!?!? We need to Stormy the Capitol on inauguration day!!

Trump built like she aint lying….

This is why the internet remains undefeated.

You know what they say about men with small dicks. They have very stubby little hands too and are very aware of that fact.

Ahh the legendary “canned mushroom”

she does,nt call him tiny for fun. lol

So that’s why his son always looks pissed off. He inherited length but not in a useful way.

Ol Stumpy Trumpy eh

Does this clowncake even know trump has *admitted* it? Why if the F do you think he paid her off?

*He actually admits these things and they still deny it. Brainwashing, gaslighting, and propaganda WORK!*

Jesus Christ that’s savage

A dirty 3 inch orange one!!!

Old white man, with a tiny penis.

You know, if Stormy had a Broadway musical…

That was a full rolling broadside from the HMS Victory

Makes sense his followers have raised pickups with 3 inch cocks.

Classic 😂😂

I wonder when she’ll pay the breach of contract fee.

Not sure if it’s weird to know I have a bigger dick than the president or the fact that we know the dick size of a president

One person talking about how small his penis is doesn’t mean anything

Zero people out of the hundreds who would have seen it in his lifetime talking about how it’s not small but actually big…

Trump can’t carry a 10ft pole.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t actually have *sex* with Melania

Stormy Daniels is a total queen! She’s smart and funny and so cool. Too bad nobody cares that that chode Trump is the worst person in the world and we’re stuck with him and his clown-car crew for the rest of his life.

She’s the host on For The Love of DILFS, a wonderfully display of debauchery! She’s not the best but she seems like a fun person. Worth giving a watch if you wanted to get a bit more insight on her. And also the debauchery.

Totally unrelated, but toad is my favourite Mario character

Body shaming will never get old. Good to see it still getting upvotes.

Here we go. Another four years of internet people making it cringe to be anti-Trump.

Gotta hand it to Stormy, she is a generous soul! </s>

I hate Trump as much as the next dirty stripper but can we please as a society move on from the body insults/comments?

Doesn’t matter had sex.

I love that body shaming is making a come back! Can we also talk about how stupid Stormy’s fakes tits look? I mean, she did that shit on purpose! And that crotch? There are tighter turnbuckles at Wrestlemania! Wahh!!

I’m not a fan of trump. But She had her 15 seconds of fame.

Wow, look at those likes, retweets and views!

Sure makes up for the hundreds of thousands of dollars she was ordered to pay him…
…and the fact that her former lawyer is in jail…
…and the fact that Trump’s president-elect via electoral *and* popular vote majorities with the House, Senate and Supreme Court in his party’s control.

Regardless, I wish this savvy businesswoman all the best in her future endeavors.

A woman who can’t bond with a man, also one who can’t respect a written contract. Not one I’m gonna take their opinion over DJT!

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