An oldie but still true.

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5% don’t wanna join the maga cult

So did Stalin and Mao.

I too can make up statistics by skewing the numbers to my benefit. I’m 100% the best dad ever according to my poll audience.

I’m a registered republican. I would sooner bite my own fucking tongue off before supporting trump.

There’s a headline: Trump less popular than Charles Manson among their respective followers.


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Putin and the dear leader of NK are also up there.

To be fair, in 2017 he was floating at about 60% when he took office. He was in fact the first President in history to take office while having a negative approval rating nationally.

Also, Putin has a 148% approval rating among members of the United Russia party. Comparatively, Trump sucks, obviously.

Charlie Manson had a higher approval rating than Trump, when it’s over he will have a lower kill count as well.

Vlad has 135% following in Russia. You lost, Chubby Cheeks.

FLDS and Warren Jeffs. La Luz Del Mundo and their followers. Nexivm, Heavens Gate, and the list goes on. Oh! Let us not forget David Miscavige and Scientology!

The point is all of leaders of these cults had 100% approval ratings.

Jeffery Dahmer waa as a well loved by the guys he picked up; right up until he started drilling holes in their heads

It’s still crazy to me how the Democratic strategy was to recruit anti-trump republicans instead of appealing to their base.

So did Stalin

That’s quite progress right?😂

He won. That’s the point.

I’d tell you to stop making stupid people famous, but you already did.

get over it, the majority likes him over the warmongers

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