And so our hero left, leaving Trump and Putin with a bitter taste in their mouths.

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The White House is ran like the mob…..

No Nobel for Trump again.

Trumps pissed he has to call Putin and tell him their plan didn’t work. This whole thing is a set up and it’s sick as shit.

What a fucking embarrassment. I’m a disabled veteran and I realize my sacrifice was not worth it.

Well Putin is probably feeling a taste of good vodka he was celebrating with while Trump still has the taste of Putins dick in his mouth…

Who is the lady shaking his hand?

Respect Zelenskyy. ✌️✌️✌️

For the moment seems that he lost but in long run I think he will win 😁

The number of people here with zero understanding of history or even recent events is baffling. Ukraine is our ally. They gave up a stockpile of over 1000 nukes in the 90s after the wall fell in exchange for that relationship. Russia also agreed, in that deal, to respect Ukrainian independence and security. Under Putin, Russia has abandoned that agreement and has been pushing for its old Soviet territory for over a decade. Ukraine was invaded, and Ukraine is fighting, but Putin wants much more. Supporting Ukraine is not some charitable gift. It is our side of an agreement that a decent nation with decent leaders should honor, and an investment in a free Europe and a free world. If you looked at this debacle and saw a strong American president, and not a spoiled orange toddler towing Putin’s line to enrich himself with Ukrainian resources, throwing a tantrum because a fellow world leader and guest in our capital from an allied, war-torn nation wouldn’t sell out his people for a crap peace deal with untrustworthy people, you’re either a bot or a fascist.

Actually a great move.

He did not sign the stupid deal. And he showed the reste of the world how stupid the leaders of this country is. The POTUS is definitely not leader of the free world anymore.

This man can stand tall. As Americans, we hold our leaders in shame.

A man with integrity 👏. He will not sell out his country to that scumbag Trump well done Sir 👏

I kept wishing he’d slap the shit out of Trump and Vance, as unrealistic as that is.

Fuck it made me angry listening to those two assholes lying and trying to lecture him.

As an American. Fuck trump

What we have seen happening in the Oval Office the last few weeks should make us all stop and look what is happening to our Country. If this is how we treat another Foreign Leader on national TV and praise this Orange Clown and his boys, then we all need to check ourselves .

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There was only one president in the room and he wasn’t American.

i can’t imagine the pain zelenskyy is going through. your country under attack and the most powerful people laugh in your face and say you’re not thankful

Imagine a victim coming to your house , thanking you , and asking to work together to solve a problem with the mutual bully and you berate them and call them the problem.

Not pictured: The giant brass bollocks he drags around with him.

Lady smiles at Zelenskyy like they just had a gay old time.

Trump and his supporters don’t feel this way. They are calling g it a win

Can you weird conservatives who are total shills for Putin and Trump explain to me why you hate this dude?

Like really, his country is being invaded, his cities bombed by a fucking psychopath, but somehow it’s his fault he doesn’t want to surrender his country to Putin?

I want to ask MAGA, how is Putin the good guy now? Please explain

Very disappointing when rUSsiA gaslight the world in perfect harmony, SLAVA UKRAINI stay strong

Trump is a dirty bastard.

Fuck Trump, fuck Putin.

Donald Trump is an absolute POS Russian ASSET

Poor Ukraine. Outnumbered, outgunned, and betrayed by its allies. The new Axis powers must be laughing at the west right now.

Is this a liberal website ?

America use to have decent men for their President.

Got a bitter taste of rare metals in their mouths after their pathetic ambush of a brave principled leader. He saw that tRumps lips were moving and the river of lies were filling the room. He swam out of the wanna be dictator clubhouse and went home.

Good for him, he didn’t stay quiet like the rest of the Republican clown

Trump is a traitor, a seditionist, and most likely, a Russian asset. This was shocking but not surprising.

I feel so sad for Zelensky and Ukraine right now.

The absolute control of the messaging on this app is astounding

No. Jesus Christ. While Zelensky has ethics and he stood up to the bullies, he was led into an ambush. He didn’t win anything. This isn’t winning. This is a fucking crisis. I admire his integrity and how he handled it, but this was absolutely a battle lost. Trump and Putin are celebrating. That went according to plan.

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