And that why the Eagles are the best!

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I’m a giants fan, this is awesome. Fuck fascism

>My Eagles don’t support dumb asses.

Ehhh, this is Philly we’re talking about. Agree with everything else, though.

Philly Special!

Go birds!

If Lower Delco could read they would be very mad at this

Go Birds.

I wouldn’t be saying all that about any NFL team honestly. The eagles also had Hard R Riley for a while there

Bears fan here. Go Birds! Fuck Nazis!

Raiders fan checking in. Go Birds, Fuck Nazis.

2025 and Philly fans have become classy, times are really messed up!

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Cooper DeJean is not a safety 🎼he’s just a cornerback who’ll lock down your #1

Yesss the eagles are the best. Fly eagles fly 🦅

Respect from a Dallas fan. Nazis fuck off!! ✊🏽

Good stuff

Love it

Unfortunately a lot of eagles fans are racist. ride BSL on gameday and you might catch some.

Go Birds!

I don’t wanna be a contrarian, but Philadelphia is not exactly the city of brotherly love

Call the damn based department this is an emergency. There’s a new king in town.

RAAHHH 🦅🦅🦅 lmaoo

I don’t care about football but I’m now a lifelong Eagles fan

The Eagles organization definitely does not support the things listed, but the fan base mostly does.

I don’t have a favorite NFL team but the Eagles might just have to be it. Fuck Nazis.

I guess I can’t hate on em anymore

Go birds!

Now I’m an eagles fan, though seeing them in the Whitehouse telling trump to eat shit would have been incredible.

Took me way too long to realize this was a tweet and not search results.

Putting my Chiefs fandom aside I 100% stand behind this Eagles decision🫡

I’m a Broncos guy, so happy to see Chiefs dethroned. The Eagles declining invitation to the house of bigotry and sexual deviance makes me a fan of that team.

Im a Vikings fan but I was rooting for the eagles as soon as they clinched their spot.

I love them for this even more.

2018, and 2025. FDT.

Fly Birds Fly

What about eagles fans/community though?



Ya forgot about that white eagles player was saying the N word to a bunch of people at a concert? Then the eagles gave him a fat ass contract??

This is how Philly became “my team” in the first place. LGB! 🦅

Good to know the eagles are like us and not them

As a Minnesotan… go birds.

Ravens fan cheering from down 95 in Maryland. Go ‘head Philly!!

**GO BIRDS!!!**


You know KC was planning to make the visit lmao

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