And they’re still defending him

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The party of conservative, Christian family values again.

If only he could be more like the leader of Republicans Trump and have five kids across three wives, cheat on your wives with women you paid for sex, then laundered money through your business to pay them hush money, while cheating on your third wife while you have a 1 year old infant son.

And brags about sexual assault.

Raping children outweighs a guy with a manicure, no? You tell me.

Sounds like they have no problem with pedophiles. Weird.

Painted nails on a man equals paying minors for sex. Gotcha.

The party of pedophilia

No. Being gay is who you are. Normal, compassionate people can easy accept these individuals because of basic humanity and love. Matt Gaetz had/has sex with underage girls. That’s a crime and he should be in jail.

“gay people exist, therefore it’s only fair that we champion a child rapist as our hero”

They are not even denying it, they are telling us to ignore the fact he is a child abuser.

Of course they are. Watch the last season of the Boys. As long as you’re on their side they don’t care if you rape minors.

“Drug fueled pedophilia”, what a representative.

They don’t put up with anything. The bitching is endless

also, I’m sorry, but they don’t put up with anything. They whine so hard about being “forced” to adhere to a “woke” agenda that even the president elect campaigned on it. That’s the opposite of “putting up with it.”


They really don’t understand basic consepts of freedom and consent.

republicans have been railing against “groomers” for some time now, but when there’s evidence that a republican was grooming teenagers… crickets.

The nails are sharper than the argument.

what aboutism and false equivalency is where they live

Yeah, cause conservatives are pedophiles.

I don’t get why they can’t just say fuck matt gatez for being a piece of shit? Like it’s so easy. Just be like yeah we agree with republican policies but don’t like that guy cause he raped a minor and paid for it.

But they just double down on supporting the worst people out there because they are in the red team.

Fucking stupid assholes

This is a classic case of when the day comes where I’m semi rich and famous (which will never come) i want the same treatment also. I defended him so I can do it too and get away with it

No children were harned by him being gay….


Hey! Don’t talk shit about our future Florida governor! He’s gonna be personally inspecting prospects from all high school senior classes before graduation!

Just none of those icky 18 year olds.

Wait, so adults having consensual sex with adults, is the same as men having sex with children?
So, are they advocating for stopping gay sex, or for advocating pedophilia?
And, if consenting adults can’t do what they want in their own home, where is the line exactly?

I wish Republicans hated pedos to the same severity they love the guns used to kill their children

You’re talking about a party that elected a 34-time felon who was found liable for sexual abuse.

You think Republicans care about a little thing like soliciting a minor and statutory rape???

Did not see that coming: gay people’s existence justifying all Christians being terrible hypocrites.

That’s a wild take

Gaetz was 37 when he slept with 17 year old?

WTF? That like his daughter’s age…

Republicans hate gays more than pedophiles.

Republicans love child rapists.

Even now after the ethics report release, Fox News and the maga cultists are still defending him via deflection. It’s crazy. You can’t convince me that maga isn’t a mental illness.

“I don’t like seeing men who don’t fit my masculinity standards so I have to search the internet to find pictures that fit my narrative, to convince everyone else that they should be okay with my hero and favorite sex-trafficking pedophile.”

Not on my Christmas bingo card 🙄

In their minds, two consenting adults of the same sex = pedophilia apparently

So because this man has painted nails, they get to sex traffic children?
So republican.

I’ll take “False Equivalency” for 200 Alex.

No term they won’t redefine, no false equivalency they won’t draw

Two adult men having consensual sex is worse than an adult male raping an underage girl….. Got it. Thanks.

Ya know, I was just thinking the other day “That TOTALLY sounds like one of Jesus’ sayings.”

They really have no ethical or moral foundation within themselves. To them, it’s really all tit for tat.

The only reason they pretend to care about children is because that’s the pool they tend to groom their wives.

“These people are gay, so pedophilia is okay!” Every day these people make me want to launch myself into space and never come back. Sure I wouldn’t survive much longer than a couple of years at best, but I’m beginning to prefer that to however many years I have to deal with this shit.

GOP = Good ‘ol Pedos.

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