And yes, your dog does know right from wrong

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I feel like the people who are against animal abuse and the people for child abuse are not usually the same people

Only consenting adults should be spanked.

Maybe we shouldn’t beat kids OR animals. Just a thought.ย 

You still don’t need to hit your pets either

I’d say generally society is definitely not okay with beating 5 year old. It’s certainly an issue, but to imply the society in general is okay with bearing children is a massive stretch

Welcome to Sweden or even most EU countries where both are illegal.

Neither should be spanked

What the fuck are you talking about? Both of these are wrong and society knows it.

Maybe we hate on both abusers? Wouldn’t that make sense?

If you smack your pet it should never be more than a boop on the head. Not enough to hurt them but enough for them to know they did wrong. Most of the time yelling or clapping works well.

I swear half of this site feels this way. Lol

I discipline my animal if they do bad. Generally teaches them better. My cat doesn’t act any different. If I had a kid, I’d do physical discipline. They say “Oh it’ll mentally fuck your kid up” I’m here and still fine. Parents are too damn soft nowadays with their kids.

You …. you also shouldn’t be beating kids wtf

Beat the dog and train it to bite the kid.

“closed due to smacky bum bum >:p”

Have you met most 5 year olds?

That’s not how it went in 2016.

Animal > baby

Feeding kids at school < making sure every animal is properly fed

Just to be clear in case anyone still has a doubt, both are equally wrong.

There were a few times as a kid where I was spanked and really did have it coming though. I was a brat. I think it should be as a last resort and only if the only way to deter the behavior in a child is through FAFO. But only if the adult doing it is very disciplined in the application of a spank.

A pat on the ass is the most you should ever do, to either.

This only shows how many people become corrupt with having the littlest power over another.

Dogs are cute

Kids suck

I’m a firm believer that the only people who deserve to be corporally punished are those who believe children deserve it more

Pick on somebody your own size, or somebody much bigger gonna pick on you

Were you beaten as a child?

Equality beat them both with your meat

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