And yet they still won’t believe that climate change is real.

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Climate change isnt a issue that common people have to be blamed about, you can recicle, separate trash, avoid contamination, go by bus and avoid planes and cars, yet all your effort will be gone with just 1 sec of any factory emmision

Blame corporations, not people, the common citizen IS NOT THE PROBLEM

Doesn’t it happen every year at this point?

1. Reduce funding for fire department
2. Blame climate change


Don’t look up. Or side ways. Or down. Just close your eyes and bury your head in the sand.

Damn, mother nature is scary. Anyone agree with me?

What the fuck does fire have to do with climate change? Y’all are dumb or what

Everyone agrees climates change. It’s the man made part people aren’t sure about.

That has absolutely nothing to with this scenario. Build where you have no water, no fire suppression systems and statistically the Santa Ana winds blow like clock work. Add a heat source. This is the result.

California every year tbh

Decreased fire budget, no controlled burns, no brush clean up and reservoirs diverted, but it’s the climate deniers fault

Climate change is real, however this has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The great fire of London happened in the 17th century.
Climate change doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with it.
LA is a city built of wood in a desert near the equator.

California has gone through severe droughts that can last hundreds of years in the geologic record. We’re probably just seeing it finally entering one of these severe spans. Without some technological revolution in desalination plants as a source of water, there is a humanitarian crisis brewing for the whole western US over coming decades.

Sure, no water in water hydrant is because of climate change

Fact : 95% of ALL wildfires are man-made.

Lets play a game

Is it LA or a Doom Screen Shot .. ooof

California has been having fires for like 400 years. We weren’t causing a lot of global climate change during that time.

what climate change. California has wild fires every year. this one just happened to hit a major city.

if anything here is to blame it’s decades of failed policy that has resulted the mess we see hear. the dry hydrants, the lack of forest floor maitanance, the insurance leaving and the mayor buggering off to Africa, homeless people starting fires in no burn conditions, and the worst of all defunding fire houses… like who the hell does that in a place well know for freaking fire… GAVIN. was it you.

New Jersey is fucking cold as shit bring more climate change I’m ready… California is and shud be a desert it’s not a place to live… But I do feel bad for the billionaires

Wow. You’re super smart.

It’s a *warm* welcome to 2025!

LA proper is not on fire

Yk the Calgary CAN hockey team is playing in LA? And they’re the flames lmaooo

Fake news it doesn’t have drones

Secret shadow government is using the H.O.D (Hammer Of Dawn) it’s definitely not climate change

Wym ‘they’? This climate deniers California is famous for?

The “powers that be” are fully aware that it is real. That is why insurance companies pulled out of California. They only want to take your money every month if they think they won’t need to actually help you.

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