Angelina Jolie with her older brother James Haven, 1999.

By zadraaa
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If he was with her, who was haunting little kid’s dreams?

Someone got the alien end of the genetic stick๐Ÿ’€

He’s got that I just kissed my sister look

he looks soo much like their mother

Thats Peter Murphy the vocalist of the band Bauhaus

“Look, they’re super cool people. They’re also really into crystals, and they invited me to their sweat lodge. Honestly, it’ll be fine.”

it literally looks like someone shopped her face onto a dudes head and merged it pretty well

Is he still alive?

He is wearing a human costume.

He looks like a homosexual vampire.

Holy shit that forehead could see the future


Giving Folgers commercial vibes


I forgot about the weirdness. The SNL sketch is worth a look.

“I kissed my sis and I liked it” James Haven probably

Oh yeah. I remember this. They were a little too close. It was kinda ick.

He looks like he was cast in Attack on Titan.

Pretty sure thatโ€™s a serial killer

He would have made a good Joker

An odd pose to strike in a picture with your brother.

He looks like a haunted mannequin

Guy looks like he has synthetic skin over a robot face, with the ultra+ dick suckin lips mod installed.

They fucked.

Why his hand so low ๐Ÿคจ


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Looks like a marrowind character

What the GENETICS?

Also he looks like he is wearing makeup lol thatโ€™s how good looking he is


I thought it was r/HistorialCOUPLES


They totally aren’t lizard people….


Move that right hand about 4 inches higher young man.

Rains of Castamere.


Man that look is haunted

They failed at making incest chic a thing.

Titan lookin ah


Uncanny Valley, good lord

They fucked. For sure.

lol, he reminds me of the ventriloquist doll from Dead Silence.

She looks weirdly possessive over him.

Why is no one named Voight (donโ€™t feel like googling donโ€™t really care)

Even then ,she looked deathly

Are they half siblings or full?

Got that smile like he’s about to get through Wall Maria

Remember when they made out

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