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Lols, she wouldn’t even show up, if she did, she’d find some way to make the situation needlessly awkward in the most cringe way imaginable

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Love how watamote pops up every now and then, living up to the sub icon lol

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Negaposhi Anguraa

Honesty is always the best policy

i’ve come to fulfill my personal duty to proclaim far and wide i love girls like Tomoko

You are 10, so don’t worry
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Me showing up to anything social after overthinking it for hours and still regretting it.

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Finally IRL content

and yeah posting watamote is basically cheating

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Aww.. Very me. hehe

me on my last job lol haha

Me everyday for any minor event in life.


This looks really nice!

Aren’t we all a bit Tomoko?

Aizawa, is that you?

Literally me

It’s ok come in, we didn’t want you here ether…lol

Me in my introvert era.

Kuroki wouldn’t be caught dead playing normie shit like minecraft.

Ah Tomoko, the face of this subreddit.

Maybe it’s a depression thing but I often find myself wanting all of my free time to myself. It’s my most toxic trait. I am a massive introvert but I’m a whole ass site operations manager for a company. I’m so mentally exhausted by the end of my long ass days and weeks I just wanna be alone. Just me and my cat and fiance. Sometimes I even get annoyed by them. The slightest noise can make me uncomfortable and I can lose focus. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. When I I see my friends I have a good time. But getting myself there is impossible and I’m almost always really late. And people just think I’m awful for it like that’s just how he is. But the act of getting out of my bed or chair to take a shower and get ready kills me inside

Fair enough. Glad you came anyway

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