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Literally my kid, I never saw a baby who’s literally a smol clone of his dad, bro really completely overwrote my genes

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Guess they better make another one
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She accidentally set the baby oven to Cloning instead of Baking

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I surprised that she can handle him 😳

I need more wholesome manga this year…..

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Aww he even has his smile

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Is this like a manga I can read I see it everywhere but I wanna read it

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How did she fit

[hamsterbanana.jpg]comment image)

Hell yeah lol

I think this is the perfect couple for this format!

The baby is going to look like her dad when she grows up.

is such a shame because she looks hot XD

At this point, he should’ve carried the baby himself if she was gonna be his clone anyway 😤.

I don’t get it, what do they mean by, marry and reproduce

My dream. I hope our baby looks like their dad.

15 years later she’s as tall as her pops

Dont worry, Im sure hes short just like her.

Lol, this is me. I am literally the clone of my dad. Every family member I meet immediately knows that I’m his kid.

Ah, but she has her mother’s eyes!

Huh, what are the odds?
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Thought that was kafka for a second

Never thought ‘My Tiny Senpai’ could be even better!

Not gonna lie, I though the baby was massive anime titties for a second.

I recognize these characters. Admittedly, I never watched the show because I am a little creeped out that the green hair lady has a child like body (even referenced as such in the clip I watched) while the big buff love interest she has only wanted to be her friend. Like, I’m sure it’s an enjoyable and wholesome show (given how jovial and fatherly (again, doesn’t help) the giant man is) but that plot point just makes me go “eeehhhhh, nawwwww”

I think it’s called My Senpai is so Annoying or something.

This shit is so cringe lol.

Fuck off with this garbage ass couple from one of the worst romcoms of the last decade.

just kill the baby!

I suppose he’s supposed to look like the mailman right?

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