
By Miku4U
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Back when I was studying this English book, I read a snippet about a barefoot girl selling matches in the streets. No one bought it. To survive the snow, she one by one used all the matches to warm her hands up. Each match brought her some wonderful memories and dreams. She feels asleep dreaming about delicious warm food and a warm hug from her grandmother

She didn’t wake up the next day. The bystanders were furious and boasted about how they would have saved the poor little kid as soon as they saw her.

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Based on a truly depressing story. The Little Match Girl.

Welp One hug is all it takes 🫂
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The classic girl with matches story… One of my favorites to be honest

It hurts my heart
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*Gives her a hug*

Thinking about it who makes these stories and why do I have to read them as a kid? A dirt poor orphan freezes to death that’s it, what’s the moral “be grateful for what you have”? Couldn’t they have made something a little more complex, maybe about greed, this is the equivalent of your mom telling you to finish eating because there’s African children starving

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Must headpat
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I know I should be feeling sad but I feel anything but sad mainly terrified and angry.

I think it’s because I played a game called life in adventure and it also had a little match girl selling matches.

On one of my runs I decided: “you know what? No fuckitity fuck no *slaps matches out hand*”

That’s when I regretted my decision when that match girl turned into the most op boss I ever faced, then I went: “I can take her- nevermind”

Now my lesson I learned?

Give a coin to the little match girl, or take her basket if she isn’t paying taxes.

Come to me, my friend!
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(give a hug)

My eyes was messing with me when I read free hugs as free drugs 😭

Someone make a fan edit of josuke or jonathan giving her a hug

I buy a hug in 200$!

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***’hugs the child’***

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Im bouta stop coming to this subreddit. Yall just keep causing me pain and I don’t like it 🙁

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She is my child now

I’ll never let her go

here I hug you
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The Little Match Girl was one of the stories that cut deep for me when I was a kid and to this day its quite… sad.

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come join me and give this little one a hug


This brings me the greatest of sadness 😞😭

My sadness is immeasurable, and my day is ruined 🙁

God damn it

Not A Little Match girl again

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