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comment image?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cde530c2b7396d09ae282861c3a64908fc2eef7

I fell for IRL tomboys before curvy anime ones. Tomboy supremacy remains unchallenged. Martial arts nerd tomboys are great.

I’ve never seen anything more accurate in my life

The anime fandom is willing to call just about any sexy female character with short hair a Tom boy.

Fantasy or reality, I love Tomboys all the same. I always have.
comment image?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d25eec57192ee6ebdaca5a44c82644da755dbbf

comment image?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bc69989c37561d9e72903d7cbac91979a8a853

Found the Tomboy/Butch Lesbian fit

Damn it i knew i should have stolen the Tiddy-Doug-Meme. Eeeeh i mean borrowed.

Tomboy is more of a personality thing, not really physical and those that got physical traits…. dont match the porn idea of a tomboy that people obsess over

comment image?width=3972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd02b62fd990f4e3a67548b42d6ba62042eda84c

As a tomboy, it hurts how we’re pretty much overlooked BECAUSE we aren’t feminine enough….even though, this is WHY we’re called TOMBOYS. we’re boyish and have masculine tendencies. 😭🙏

Both are good.

Still smash

Left is the reward you get for loving the right

Both are good.

r/gatekeepingyuri bait

This is true irl

comment image?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8f4333bccad3380e83946b52311c99119015950

I feel like this is relevant.


Once the clothes are off it doesn’t make a difference

actual tomboys>>>>oversexualized depictions of tomboys that are just dom girls with short hair

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Damn it i knew i should have stolen the Tiddy-Doug-Meme. Eeeeh i mean borrowed.

Accurate. Was Tomboy am Neutroix nowadays. I wanted to be the left, but structurally I fit on the right.

Right is better


Both is good.

Both are great

So? I still love em

Irl tomboys are still the best

Idk why but the right reminds me of Chainsaw man Denji.

And also, if this is a dissuasion tactic, it ain’t working.

comment image?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52296ef83f4b025f7cbf6523a62e37edc4b66a7c

Even better

foul heresy
comment image?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdc07406e8aeff76dddb1f47307827ab7f9d5ec

I don’t know why, but I’m not tempted or attracted to anyone except tomboys. Whenever I see a tomboy, I feel flattered.

As the former…

I don’t know what i am anymore… Hot even when not trying? Ill go with that

comment image?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0beb87d323d843cd2ae517295023054a0bb920

Both are the same person

Would either way

can confirm, my tomboy wife is exactly like the pic on the right lmao.

I have a friend who’s a tomboy and trust me, she is nothing like how anime portrays them.

Is every anime_irl post just varying degrees of gooner bait?


People tend to think that a short haircut on a woman means they’re a tomboy. It’s one of the most misclassified characterizations.

So women with big boobs can’t be tomboys?

You act like that matters to me.

As a former tomboy turned trans guy, I can indeed confirm the memes are funny but not at all accurate 😭

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