Anne Hathaway has to be a vampire

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Ask her first husband… William Shakespeare

those coats?

that’s not leather


Or, you know… Has a ton of money and teams of people with which she can keep herself healthy and youthful.

Nah, up to our mid 40s we can look pretty young if we take care of ourselves, it’s after the mid 40s where shit starts going downhill fairly quickly.

No she just has a lot of money.

Poor people aren’t ugly, they’re just poor.

“Love is the only thing that transcends time and space…”

Eating healthy, good skin care, restful sleep can do that for most people until their mid 40s. Especially if caked in makeup.

Let’s see how it goes in 10 years

Perks of being rich. You can have the best healthcare and diet available. Meanwhile thr poorest of people are lucky to eat a salad…

Lol she’s had work done, nothing amazing about this 😭

No, just rich.

I disagree. But she definitely looks like a very attractive early 40’s woman. I think she looks better now.

This is where being unproblematic and minding your own business gets you. She’s never been a troublemaker, wasn’t always dating the hot guy in Hollywood or getting photographed by the paparazzi. She doesn’t wear all the stress that others have had to.

When you have money you have many opportunities.


plus bondo

That photo is not accurate. You can tell she’s aged (a teeny amount), and that’s not a bad thing at all. She looks better than ever because of it imo

Both, with Paul Rudd

She is a beautiful lady, strikingly similar looking to Shakespeare’s wife

Is it me or her nose looks different in the two photos?

Yes, lots of money and the best surgeons in the world can do that for a person.

Anne hath a will, Anne hath a way…..

Not a vampire. A shapeshifting alien.

Between 24 and 41 not much degradation. Let’s see in 55.

I want her to bite me on the neck.

Nah. Baby pills

$HIT. She can bite me.

Just saying

Wouldn’t mind giving her my blood 👀

Stress free from no real job.

I heard some crazy person say that all the celebrities drink baby blood to stay young. She on that baby blood.

Even the leather jacket has aged, but she hasn’t…

IDK I think she’s just hot

Turtleneck N Chains

…In a good way

Her neck got shorter

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